right now it's extremely few and far in between because there are extremely few instances of it. it's just that when it has happened, it's gotten a massive amount of publicity from Fox News.
saw someone bring up the Oregon high school one in another thread - fair, that can be examined further for sure. But the data is still relatively small overall at this point. Again, I prefer everyone waits until they're legal adults to make life-altering judgments on their bodies. Don't think they're mentally ready for everything that comes with it before that.
Constitution has due process for everyone illegal or not, 5th and 14th amendments both. Take it up with that.
I agree that government waste should absolutely be worked on. I also think they're going after the wrong programs and wrong departments. Meanwhile we're wasting trillions on fighter jets that will never get off the ground.
Adult trannies affect my life zero. Zilch. Nada. Dismember yourself to your heart's content.
Cutting off a minor's dick is cruel. Cutting off a minor's boobs is cruel. Dressing up your male in girl's clothes just to follow some ideology is cruel.
Don't even get me started on shitty male athletes who can't make the C-Squad deciding to be a girl and playing sports against actual females.
again, I think people should wait until they're 18. I can compromise there.
banning them from the military when it's hard enough to get people to enlist these days is retarded. There's no evidence they have any issues serving, and the ones I know served in combat, and have the medals to show for it. soldiers are soldiers, leave them alone.
the drag queen thing is a total dog whistle too. they've been around for decades doing their thing. it's just a subculture. if parents are cool with them reading to their kids, who am I to give a shit.
to expand on point 5, because it’s the issue I actually do care about the most. It’s my opinion that if you work a full time job - I don’t give a fuck if it’s McDonald’s or Tesla - if you work 40 hours a week, you should be able to afford to have a place and live at least decently, and that should be across the board from San Francisco to Fargo. The cost of living is completely out of control and nobody on either side is addressing it.
The younger generation at present is totally fucked out of buying a house unless they were born into money or want to live in the middle of nowhere. Housing affordability is insane. This is what I feel is arguably the biggest crisis in America right now. And adding the tariffs onto it is another hardship on the American consumer - even if it is only short term like Trump is promising - that they can’t afford right now.
In the end most voters care primarily about this. They need the essentials. Dems didn’t do anything about it and played identity politics which cost them the election. The pendulum will swing back and the GOP will lose midterms/next election if they don’t do anything either. It doesn’t seem like either side really cares how expensive it is just to put a roof over your head right now.
Adult trannies are groomers and more importantly keep trying to push this shit where they force everyone to publicly affirm that they have magically turned into women.
if they really affect your life that much that you have that much rage about it, you're far worse mentally than they are.
right now it's extremely few and far in between because there are extremely few instances of it. it's just that when it has happened, it's gotten a massive amount of publicity from Fox News.
saw someone bring up the Oregon high school one in another thread - fair, that can be examined further for sure. But the data is still relatively small overall at this point. Again, I prefer everyone waits until they're legal adults to make life-altering judgments on their bodies. Don't think they're mentally ready for everything that comes with it before that.
Constitution has due process for everyone illegal or not, 5th and 14th amendments both. Take it up with that.
I agree that government waste should absolutely be worked on. I also think they're going after the wrong programs and wrong departments. Meanwhile we're wasting trillions on fighter jets that will never get off the ground.
No it doesn't
People who enter illegally can be removed immediately
Adult trannies affect my life zero. Zilch. Nada. Dismember yourself to your heart's content.
Cutting off a minor's dick is cruel. Cutting off a minor's boobs is cruel. Dressing up your male in girl's clothes just to follow some ideology is cruel.
Don't even get me started on shitty male athletes who can't make the C-Squad deciding to be a girl and playing sports against actual females.
not if they're being sent directly to prison, especially another country's prison.
People who help them enter illegally and then put them on planes are aiding and abetting the enemy. Swing em.
Tough shit
And they can
for as much as you girls refuse to budge at all on the 2nd amendment, you sure are keen to ignore the 5th/14th.
it's all or nothing. tough shit.
Non criminal illegals can self deport and apply to come back
Criminal illegals can leave however we want
If you're here illegally the constitution doesn't apply to you
And that is what us girls voted for
again, I think people should wait until they're 18. I can compromise there.
banning them from the military when it's hard enough to get people to enlist these days is retarded. There's no evidence they have any issues serving, and the ones I know served in combat, and have the medals to show for it. soldiers are soldiers, leave them alone.
the drag queen thing is a total dog whistle too. they've been around for decades doing their thing. it's just a subculture. if parents are cool with them reading to their kids, who am I to give a shit.
Enlistment is up after the election because soldiers want to fight not do social experiments
The military rejects people for all sorts of reasons
Mental illness is one
And by the way the thing that swings elections is Democrat cities refusing to work with ICE to deport violent criminals who are convicted in America
The arguing over fine points of constitutional law seems silly faced with that
By fighting everything the democrats lost the middle
Thoughtful responses. Fuck vanilla.
Our finest hour
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming
nice to know it is appreciated once in a while.
to expand on point 5, because it’s the issue I actually do care about the most. It’s my opinion that if you work a full time job - I don’t give a fuck if it’s McDonald’s or Tesla - if you work 40 hours a week, you should be able to afford to have a place and live at least decently, and that should be across the board from San Francisco to Fargo. The cost of living is completely out of control and nobody on either side is addressing it.
The younger generation at present is totally fucked out of buying a house unless they were born into money or want to live in the middle of nowhere. Housing affordability is insane. This is what I feel is arguably the biggest crisis in America right now. And adding the tariffs onto it is another hardship on the American consumer - even if it is only short term like Trump is promising - that they can’t afford right now.
In the end most voters care primarily about this. They need the essentials. Dems didn’t do anything about it and played identity politics which cost them the election. The pendulum will swing back and the GOP will lose midterms/next election if they don’t do anything either. It doesn’t seem like either side really cares how expensive it is just to put a roof over your head right now.
This should help affordable housing
Adult trannies are groomers and more importantly keep trying to push this shit where they force everyone to publicly affirm that they have magically turned into women.
They were fine when they were just cross dressers
Cross-dressers of old usually weren't trying to hide mental illness either. Now here we are.
Fucking retards