Work has begun this week on upgrading our website. Unlike last year when I didn't realize before it was too late that it was being done in real time as we posted, this year it is being done behind the scenes. We will get the upgraded look we had briefly last year but many of the bugs we experienced have been ironed out. I listed for them the things that posters have complained to me the most about. Hopefully we can get most of them rectified.
I haven't seen it yet but I will be getting a peek in the coming days. A rollout will occur in roughly 2-3 weeks or so.
Can we make suggestions?
Posting X links without having to change to would give me back 2 or 3 hours of my life daily.
So like real improvements or the late stage capitalism enshittification "enhancements to benefit the customer/users"?
CFP improvements?
I requested it and I believe this will be rectified