Assuming that Jeff A knows what he is talking about here are some Canadian tariffs. Important to note that their TV tariff is 45% obviously to protect that all important Canadian TV manufacturing dynamo. Cars at 25% pisses me off. So, they build all kinds of cars in Canada and export them to the US duty free but if we send some Kentucky built cars to Ontario there is a 25% tariff? I'll have Ern explain that to me.
1873ish to 1913 we ran the government exclusively in tariffs. The country was loaded with money. Large excess cash. That was used by Teddy R. To buy the land for all this national parks like Yellowstone and establish them. Just one example. That's why they're putting Mt. McKinleys name back in place too. President McKinley has a lot to do with all that. Trump just called for eliminating the income tax.
Yes, he got some concessions. Good trick. But who is really going to take this seriously next time? People will just laugh it off "he's not going to really follow through."
How little some of these ShitLibs know about how things happen is a bit jarring.
It’s like they’ve never worked in any real capacity at even a medium-level job in the business world.
If progressives knew anything about business or economics they wouldn't be progressives.
Assuming that Jeff A knows what he is talking about here are some Canadian tariffs. Important to note that their TV tariff is 45% obviously to protect that all important Canadian TV manufacturing dynamo. Cars at 25% pisses me off. So, they build all kinds of cars in Canada and export them to the US duty free but if we send some Kentucky built cars to Ontario there is a 25% tariff? I'll have Ern explain that to me.
Trump should match these and post the comparables.
Shouldn't those tariffs destroy Canada?
The opposition is full of reactionary people who are career politicians/attorneys leading and a dimwitted base, as we see on this board.
H’s reliance on partisan “experts” appointed by partisan know-nothings was the best tell on who the Left is today that I’ve seen in awhile.
Trump weenied out of both tariffs.
Nobody will take this shit seriously now
Lol. Sure.gif
How he got both countries to do shit
Now he's stopping?
This was supposed to make us as wealthy as we were in 1873.
Imagine thinking Trump wussed out.
Maybe Mr. Trump will claim victory and pull back if he wins some token concessions.
1873ish to 1913 we ran the government exclusively in tariffs. The country was loaded with money. Large excess cash. That was used by Teddy R. To buy the land for all this national parks like Yellowstone and establish them. Just one example. That's why they're putting Mt. McKinleys name back in place too. President McKinley has a lot to do with all that. Trump just called for eliminating the income tax.
Teddy bought Yellowstone with tariffs, donchaknow
Yes, he got some concessions. Good trick. But who is really going to take this seriously next time? People will just laugh it off "he's not going to really follow through."
Yes, 100 years ago is a great idea. Time to bring back Gil Dobie and his 5 plays and leather helmet trick. It worked then, why not now?
The point of the tariff threat was to get concessions. It wasn’t the tariffs themselves. Try and keep up.
Lincoln High never had a chance.
The left celebrating Trump only securing the border.
Nothing Biden could do without a Bill.
Hilarious to watch.