Precisely 8, he continues to put his cock in his mouth. Just keep zipper lipped until after season starts. How hard is it? USC is going to be good, so let your play talk..
Precisely 8, he continues to put his cock in his mouth. Just keep zipper lipped until after season starts. How hard is it? USC is going to be good, so let your play talk..
I never really minded SC. They were the one team in the Pac 10/12 that when they won nationally, it helped the conference cred. And while they had their share of douche fans, I never really didn't respect much about the team. Usually would root for them in non conference games, and definitely against Whoregon (LOL)
I have to say, it's gonna be fun to watch them flounder the next couple years.
I have to say, it's gonna be fun to watch them flounder the next couple years.