I had made my point. My point was net worth under Biden was up 38% adjusted for inflation according to that report. You said that report only tracks until 2022 (you were probably wrong about that but it didn’t matter) but the point was still made.
Notice when you asked me where those numbers came from, I had a source readily available to give you. I didn’t just randomly spout out a number then try to make the numbers work later lol.
That's all housing. If you sell your now inflated price house how much more house can you buy? Let me know the difference in all that net worth increase. I'll wait.
That'll come right after Trump wins the election. Hillary and a whole host of others, democrats, republicans, military etc. You are blind.
I eagerly await. I was a little disappointed they didn’t lock Hillary up in 2017 over the fake email charges.
Were you old enough to vote for her? You did or would have. Telling.
No you actually hadn't. It's even funnier that you don't understand that. You are dazzler levels of economics. This is great, do elaborate.
I had made my point. My point was net worth under Biden was up 38% adjusted for inflation according to that report. You said that report only tracks until 2022 (you were probably wrong about that but it didn’t matter) but the point was still made.
Notice when you asked me where those numbers came from, I had a source readily available to give you. I didn’t just randomly spout out a number then try to make the numbers work later lol.
Lazy ass research motha phucka.
If the 38% is true, then why is everyone so pissed about the economy?
They’re idiots. I know we’re not right Bob? You must be thrilled with your huge net worth increase right?
Rich get richer POTD
Single mom can’t buy groceries but that’s ok. She should have learned to code.
What a clueless twit! I can't wait until AI takes his job.
Spoken like someone who never read A Random Walk Down Wall Street.
That's all housing. If you sell your now inflated price house how much more house can you buy? Let me know the difference in all that net worth increase. I'll wait.
You can’t unless you’re paying cash or liquidating Nvidia stock
You’re definitely not stepping up in value/quality with rates 4 to 5% higher than a couple years ago.
But still
Spitting facts.
Stipulating to the fact that no alleged owners of NVIDIA stock were specifically mentioned.
(Cough cough)
I love that you don't understand what your missing while throwing eggs and calling people idiots.
Stats and math and stuff!