Looks like the fucker hit the bottle(s) last night. I'm sure those cabs drink like a merlots. I doubt he burned 1400 calories' worth during his workout. No wonder he's getting a gut. He'll be a fat bastard in no time, just like his two LT buddies.
Looks like the fucker hit the bottle(s) last night. I'm sure those cabs drink like a merlots. I doubt he burned 1400 calories' worth during his workout. No wonder he's getting a gut. He'll be a fat bastard in no time, just like his two LT buddies.
Looks like the fucker hit the bottle(s) last night. I'm sure those cabs drink like a merlots. I doubt he burned 1400 calories' worth during his workout. No wonder he's getting a gut. He'll be a fat bastard in no time, just like his two LT buddies.
Looks like the fucker hit the bottle(s) last night. I'm sure those cabs drink like a merlots. I doubt he burned 1400 calories' worth during his workout. No wonder he's getting a gut. He'll be a fat bastard in no time, just like his two LT buddies.
Looks like the fucker hit the bottle(s) last night. I'm sure those cabs drink like a merlots. I doubt he burned 1400 calories' worth during his workout. No wonder he's getting a gut. He'll be a fat bastard in no time, just like his two LT buddies.
Yeah, I'm sure he works out a lot... yesterday I watched that lazy fuck park his Acura, then back-up and move four spaces closer to the Husky Stadium door...
Yeah, I'm sure he works out a lot... yesterday I watched that lazy fuck park his Acura, then back-up and move four spaces closer to the Husky Stadium door...
I like how even after being asked if the rb situation has been sorting itself out, even after stating that no matter who the number 1 is we're going to be running by committee because of arizona road games, etc, ektard still follows up 2 minutes later with, "So has anyone won the rb battle yet?"
Kim strikes me as the type of person who goes to the gym and sit next to all the fat people on the bikes and pedals for 30 minutes while on his phone the entire time.
Kasen Willimaiams
You can get info from a lot of other sources. Hell, even from here at times.