I'm actually surprised by Kim's response to this. Although he started out with the usual "Tosh kept Stringfellow and Farria on track" bullshit, he admitted that Farria was a piece of work and had multiple incidents in his short time at UW
If you can't pass classes as a notable football player you are trying to fail.
When did Washington ever care about players passing classes? Word from those that know was that Corey Dillion got a 0.0 GPA and couldn't read.
When I started my AIDS-fueled hiatus months ago, I would have bet Sven's $20 that this shitbrain would have been run by the time I got back. I've lost all faith in this bored. I might tell have to LEAVE!!!!!!11!!!!!! permanently.
I'm actually surprised by Kim's response to this. Although he started out with the usual "Tosh kept Stringfellow and Farria on track" bullshit, he admitted that Farria was a piece of work and had multiple incidents in his short time at UW
So, in short, Farria was being an idiot and burned a lot of bridges.
CP should coach at a church school
OKG is BS, cant win without edgy players
Never mind that Faria was allegedly failing out of school, Tosh would have fixed it.
Why does the concept of expecting players to keep their shit together and not fail classes make so many doogs so mad.
I read this fucking bored too often