I signed on under a different name. I'm trying to figure out Kimmy's forums rules. He posts: "No guns lives or porn. Usual stuff"
WTF does that mean? Lives? Does he mean knives? I'm sure he'll blame his lack of writing skills on autocorrect. Continue being a reh-tard, Kim. Nice writing skills for someone running this type of website and thinking you should hold a press pass.
And here I was, ready to make the Doog post of the year on the new free board. They told me to LEAVE while I was standing on their Astroturf front porch.
"Your application for access to this forum was denied."
As some classless motherfucker once said in response to the "don't go to the Dawgman free board, it's what Kim wants" crowd:
I'll believe this if and when my IP ban goes *poof*.
It won't.
Kim doesn't want *us* back, at least not most of us.
It's the lurkers who haven't started poasting over here who he's after, as well as the new kids getting on the internet all the time. He cut off his nose to spite his face. He needs his nose back. He's hoping he can have it without us. Fucking with him is only going to piss him off. I say D Day that bitch.
WTF does that mean? Lives? Does he mean knives? I'm sure he'll blame his lack of writing skills on autocorrect. Continue being a reh-tard, Kim. Nice writing skills for someone running this type of website and thinking you should hold a press pass.
Does Kim *really* not get it? the reason his viewership fell like CYNK and will never recover... is the same.
There is nothing there but a fraudulent shell.
Rules to be posted soon
"Dear user,
Recently you applied to access the following Scout.com community:
Your request has been DENIED by the site staff.
Thank you,
Dawgman.com Staff"
Nice "Free board" there Kimmy.
Can't wait until he starts saying "I don't moderate anything, we have a free board up for a reason, not my fault people decide not to use it".
As some classless motherfucker once said in response to the "don't go to the Dawgman free board, it's what Kim wants" crowd:
I'll believe this if and when my IP ban goes *poof*.
It won't.
Kim doesn't want *us* back, at least not most of us.
It's the lurkers who haven't started poasting over here who he's after, as well as the new kids getting on the internet all the time. He cut off his nose to spite his face. He needs his nose back. He's hoping he can have it without us. Fucking with him is only going to piss him off. I say D Day that bitch.