I know water is wet but this Lebron shit is driving me crazy. I mean this never ending 24-7 news cycle that we live in today is just so god damn annoying. It's annoying but 99% of it is pure bullshit and they(media) just create storylines to pass the time.
Take Chris Broussard for an example, yesterday he was so confident Lebron was going to Cleveland he said he was 85% sure he was going there. Now he just tweeted
Chris Broussard
@Chris_Broussard · 14m
This is getting very interesting. Definitely not at 85 pct for Cavs anymore

This isn't just an NBA rant this is a sports media rant in general. Like look at our dear enemies Kim and Ruth who constantly insist on being part of the story, making up shit just to fit their agenda, the need to always be FIRST!!!! , purely making up bullshit sources hoping to be right and if wrong it's oh well that's what it was at the time learn the fucking difference.
It's just pure nonsense. What happened to fucking journalism the last 20 years?! Now we get fat fucks like Softy who so desperately want to fit in they are practically a mouth piece for our local teams.
I know this post comes off as get off my lawn but fuck it I want my old sports media coverage back! I miss real reporting, actual journalism. Instead I get stuck with a bunch of dickheads all gunning to be FIRST! and making up pure bullshit.
With 710 having a morning show plus KJR having no sports teams now it's just a matter of time before they go away.
At least when Softy is unemployed he can always look at the Lombardi Trophy in his living room ;-)
Craig Kilborn was really good too.
I really like Brock Huard too and normally don't listen to local radio. However, I will listen to Brock and Salk in the morning on my drive to work.
KJR obviously is very vulnerable right now. On top of that, Mitch's best skill from a host standpoint is that he's a strong interviewer. However, it's hard for them to get guests on the show now that you have ESPN guys not willing to come on his show, CBS guys not going on shows now that they have their own network, etc.
"Holla atta playa when you see him on da street!"
"Ah, dog just said to dog, 'dog dat ain't right,"
Ears bleeding, and now it's slapstick comedy hour, only not funny
Then Scott started to be the main anchor and it went to shit. Then the talent started to leave one by one with Killbourn(he might have left before Olberman), Olberman, then Eisen and Patrick leaving I never thought would happen.
It's very symbolic to Doogman where the good sportscasters(good posters) eventually got tired of the bullshit and were unfairly ran/chose to LEAVE! so all that is left is the shit(Scott, Berman) and new idiots(Skip Bayless, Stephen A, Broussard).
Stuart Scott has always sucked though.