As previously discussed, we only need one HH member to keep an account over there to feed us paraphrased happenings in retard land. BananaBoats (RIP Biggus) exceptional reporting skills were chosen. Everyone else can now cancel their accounts and quit giving the lemon trio money.
I don't have an account over there nor do I care to find someone with an account just to check on it. So if you've got something to share, please do so. Otherwise it seems like you're encouraging people to visit that site.
Long story short, Ektard created a new story that details an interview with Browning that says that the reason he isn't throwing is because he's got a dead arm less than a week after his previous interview with him ... the reason that he needed a 2nd story was because the topic of him not throwing at camps was a "heavy topic on the message boards" ...
I find it hard to believe that so many people really gave a shit as to whether he threw or didn't throw ... wish Browning would have told him to piss off.
Good recap. Ektard doing whatever he can to keep the story of Peterman's shitty QB recruit alive. Can you imagine anything like this with one of Sark's QB recruits? Never. Fuckholes.
Kim has now joined in and is deleting posts of people defending Browning (all in the name of being civil, he's been doing this a long time .
Kim is now defending he and Eklund's right to trash our incoming QB recruit for not throwing because he's hurt. There is even slight suggestion that Kim is accusing Browning of lying to Ektard about being hurt. He says "we've never seen anything like this before".
Kim has moved on from trashing just CP to trashing the recruits he's brining in
Kim has now joined in and is deleting posts of people defending Browning (all in the name of being civil, he's been doing this a long time .
Kim is now defending he and Eklund's right to trash our incoming QB recruit for not throwing because he's hurt. There is even slight suggestion that Kim is accusing Browning of lying to Ektard about being hurt. He says "we've never seen anything like this before".
Kim has moved on from trashing just CP to trashing the recruits he's brining in
Kim has now joined in and is deleting posts of people defending Browning (all in the name of being civil, he's been doing this a long time .
Kim is now defending he and Eklund's right to trash our incoming QB recruit for not throwing because he's hurt. There is even slight suggestion that Kim is accusing Browning of lying to Ektard about being hurt. He says "we've never seen anything like this before".
Kim has moved on from trashing just CP to trashing the recruits he's brining in
I'm generally not one that cares too much about screen shots ... but ripping on a kid for keeping information that should be kept private private and then questioning whether he's worth a damn because he didn't just "Pat Hill Tuff it out" blah blah blah ... even when it's quite clear that the UW Coaches don't appear too worried and the "injury" being described is an example that catches up with all of us in some form or another at some point is nothing serious and is just simply a great example for the kid to start doing the right things to take care of himself going forward.
Just absolute fucktardedness ... and yes, Scott Woodward, Chris Petersen, et. al. should know about that within the program.
Burn the motherfucker down Pookie!
So if you've got something to share, please do so. Otherwise it seems like you're encouraging people to visit that site.
I find it hard to believe that so many people really gave a shit as to whether he threw or didn't throw ... wish Browning would have told him to piss off.
Kim is now defending he and Eklund's right to trash our incoming QB recruit for not throwing because he's hurt. There is even slight suggestion that Kim is accusing Browning of lying to Ektard about being hurt. He says "we've never seen anything like this before".
Kim has moved on from trashing just CP to trashing the recruits he's brining in
This is black and white. Transparent. Enemies of the program.
"Pay me or I don't talk to you."
If Nebraska calls say they are your number 1....same afternoon UW....that night tOSU calls "Buckeyes are my #1 now." Just keep the cycle going.
Just absolute fucktardedness ... and yes, Scott Woodward, Chris Petersen, et. al. should know about that within the program.