In June, Alissa Heinerscheid became the first woman to lead Bud Light in the brand’s 40-year history. And she has wasted no time getting to work. Heinerscheid, 38, oversaw a creative agency review that led to the late August hiring of Anomaly, which is taking over from Wieden+Kennedy, signaling big marketing changes ahead for the nation’s largest beer brand.
I wonder if they had any clue what “big marketing changes” translated to in terms of what they’ve gotten so far?
…Heinerscheid describes her return to lead Bud Light as a “homecoming,” adding,
“It’s an incredibly iconic brand. I feel such humility and passion for the fact that this precious crown jewel of a brand has been placed under my stewardship.”
As for what’s next: “Our No. 1 job on Bud Light is to grow meaning and relevance with new drinkers—that is how we transform and really preserve this brand for the next 40 years.”
Ah. There’s the focus word – NEW drinkers.
I have to give it to her. Heinerscheid sure went after a different market – one might say a “niche” market – but I’m not so sure how that’s going to work out for Budweiser, or Anheuser Busch in general.
She’s worked for them for 8 years and even had a part overseeing the Game of Thrones “Dilly Dilly” Super Bowl campaign. I’d have to guess that, considering what’s happened since her assumption of the head seat, that manly action genre isn’t her sort of thing.
That would certainly reinforce her educational stereotype, as well. I mean, it’s hard to get more woke…
I’ll take a stab and boldly assert that she, for all the demonstrative, sincere gesturing, does not “speaka da lingo” of the working class, however much she may have clinically studied them.
This is reflected in the ads and the consequent, pretty ferocious blow-back. Not just from dirty, hairy, flannel-clad rough necks, either.
Women are pissed and far beyond the numbers of Bud Light-drinking women at that (Cuz, let’s be honest – what are there, like, 3?). A little tinge of controversial free publicity is always considered a plus, but I don’t think this is necessarily what they had in mind.
For example: If #BudLightHatesWomen is trending, that is not a good thing. As it was for the better part of the entire day yesterday.
Lifelong Bud drinker.
She’s out. Switching brands.
The real gays and lesbos are not down with this nonsense.
Gay folks have nothing in common with these unserious trend-following attention-whores and their medieval butcher gender-affirming surgeons.