Bearswiin's wife's family has enough money that he doesn't have to deal with any of this shit. His kids all went to private schools and they don't allow the homeless to live anywhere near him. What's your problem?
How do we restore the world's fifth largest economy to prosperity lol
VDH has had shit for brains for decades, wunderful avatar for angry old white guys afraid of change. Send him an invite, he'd fit right in
Those dishes won't wash themselves
Angry old white guy afraid of change heard from
I'm in Vienna life is good you should whine less
Lazy, weak argument I'm sure all the woketards in your neighborhood parrot. I'd bet a paycheck your neighborhood is at least 80% white too. He laid out a lot of statistics. You have no real rebuttal. Why is Commiefornia 45th in education? That's SEC level.
BearLose supports the dystopian future of all of America. If only Cali still educated its youth and taught a little math, science, history and economics. Euros getting it good and hard.
VDH has had shit for brains for decades, wunderful avatar for angry old white guys afraid of change. Send him an invite, he'd fit right in
I'm in Vienna life is good you should whine less
Bearswiin's wife's family has enough money that he doesn't have to deal with any of this shit. His kids all went to private schools and they don't allow the homeless to live anywhere near him. What's your problem?
Same shit different year
One of the best minds in this country and a blessing for California.
Unfortunately, his real-life, real-world views are too heavy and honest for most superficial California lightweights to handle.
Especially all those Bay Area buttfuckers.