Just rolled into B-town. A crisp 21 degrees, so glad I brought my long johns lol. Gonna be a cold one on the east slopes of the Rockies! Speaking of cold ones, thinking of touring Adolph (haha) Coors' factory and maybe sample a few right out of the spiggot. Nothing else to do this afternoon. I think Buffalo Bill's final resting place is pretty near there, too, so might hit that and pay my respeck.
I heard the tailgating scene here is kinda lame, so gonna have to level that shit up. Get ready, Buff fans, I have a feeling it's gonna be a huge UW contingent there tomorrow. Where my dawgs at??!!
Just rolled into B-town. A crisp 21 degrees, so glad I brought my long johns lol. Gonna be a cold one on the east slopes of the Rockies! Speaking of cold ones, thinking of touring Adolph (haha) Coors' factory and maybe sample a few right out of the spiggot. Nothing else to do this afternoon. I think Buffalo Bill's final resting place is pretty near there, too, so might hit that and pay my respeck.
I heard the tailgating scene here is kinda lame, so gonna have to level that shit up. Get ready, Buff fans, I have a feeling it's gonna be a huge UW contingent there tomorrow. Where my dawgs at??!!
I’ve been setting up in the Canvas Stadium South parking lot. It’s pretty empty right now but I wanted to get a good spot. Come by and say hi! A buddy of mine scored some kegs from the New Belgium Brewery, so there will be plenty of beer to go around. Haven’t been to an away game since last year’s Apple Cup. Hopefully tomorrow will be better than that shit show. Either way, I’m excited to see Ralphie run!
Flats set in front of the flat irons. Nice.
Wood all but 2.
I'm not fooling anyone. All of them.
buff, buff, pass, buff, buff, pass, buff, buff, pass
buff, buff, pass, buff, buff, pass, buff, buff, pass
buff, buff, pass, buff, buff
will be chinteresting to see if penix/boner can blow them out from the start.
I heard the tailgating scene here is kinda lame, so gonna have to level that shit up. Get ready, Buff fans, I have a feeling it's gonna be a huge UW contingent there tomorrow. Where my dawgs at??!!