There wasn't an unsplooged pair of skinny jeans in the greater Seattle area the day our recruiting savior pulled in this haul. Let's revisit the list:
Caleb Tucker decommitted Elijah Qualls still on team Poasi Moala decommitted Demorea Stringfellow transferred Lavon Coleman still on team Andrew Basham too dumb to get in (even after finding $3000 for tutoring in a coffee cup) Daeshon Hall decommitted Rasheed Johnson decommitted
Too bad we went and got a guy like Peterman who has never recruited at the big boy table
The upper breast movement and skin wave is indicative of breasts that have not been enhanced ... I have always thought - and felt - that she had fantastic titties.
All those players weren't going to play so good riddance. I only want guys who BLEED purple and gold black and whatever our new official secondary color is.
^ breast tissue superiority guy