and then theres this guy. I like to throw out wild opinions and then back off of them when it's obvious I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Then I like to agree with whoever called me out on in and slightly change the subject. Good conversation practice if you ask me.
Stringfellow wasn't kick off is my understanding. I don't think anyone should have been kicked off. There should be consequences though. Sounds like those were laid out and Stingfellow chose a different path. I'm glad
Only an alcoholic midget would blame Stringfellow leaving on Petersen.
Sometimes my hatred for people makes me even willing to fuck myself over. 0-12 is deserved. Or I wish maybe 60% of the UW fan base could get a 0-12 in perpetuity.
Warrshington fans are splattered about but it's generally a Coug haven and local-folk centric. West siders are frowned upon.