A shitty AG is a shitty AG is a shitty AG. IDGAF how loyal they are to a corrupt fucking tyrant. Talk about a losing hand. Has it occurred to you that Washington DC is a swamp is full of unethical tu… (View Post)
Understand why Obama is a POS for installing that corrupt POS incompetent mother-fucker Eric Holder? Worst, most-corrupt AG ever. And all those in power today think he was great. Sad. Fucking. Joke. (View Post)
This is exactly why they're leaving. I avoid these people in the grocery store, so why the fuck would I want them around my kids all day? (Credit whomever I stole this from on these boreds). (View Post)
26 Million new votes in 2020. I'm sure you believe it's Biden's magnetic personality emanating from his basement that inspired the massive turnout, and nothing illegal, like stuffing drop boxes with … (View Post)