Him being against abortion and that being a reason why he'll still win is beautiful. Don't you fucking dare abort children, rape them if you want though.
Roy is a hero south of the Tennessee River in this state.
He is basically Race, OBK, and Sledoog all rolled into one. I don't mean that as a joke. If you took those three and spliced them into one they would talk, think, and act like Roy Moore. Fuck, even Donnie thinks the guy is too much.
Anyways, he isn't going to lose to a fucking Democrat in Alamaba when the White Trash Wizard is in the White House.
People forget Gov. George Wallace was a Democrat.
People forget that.
The Dems had some slightly "different" views back in those days.
Roy is a hero south of the Tennessee River in this state.
He is basically Race, OBK, and Sledoog all rolled into one. I don't mean that as a joke. If you took those three and spliced them into one they would talk, think, and act like Roy Moore. Fuck, even Donnie thinks the guy is too much.
Anyways, he isn't going to lose to a fucking Democrat in Alamaba when the White Trash Wizard is in the White House.
People forget Gov. George Wallace was a Democrat.
People forget that.
The Dems had some slightly "different" views back in those days.
Moore is very conservative on social issues. McConnell, McCain and the rest of the Republican establishment don't want to have to answer for Moore's views and want him out. All the money McConnell threw at the election did not help, so now they are resorting to throwing mud.
Him being against abortion and that being a reason why he'll still win is beautiful. Don't you fucking dare abort children, rape them if you want though.
If you abort them they never make 14
Weinstein got the same pass for giving millions to pro choice. Politics are the morality
Back in 1995 we took over Stage 5 with its huge greenscreen at the Warner lot from Under Siege 2 after they were done with it, but they were still filming down the street on a smaller stage. At some poont during the summer the lot was buzzing with the story that Seagal's wife Kelly LeBrock wanted to piss him off, so she showed up on the lot after getting a butch haircut, and he went completely apeshit. Now I wonder if this is what she was angry about
Outside of the Mason-Dixon Line it’s called incest.
The Dumbfuck trophy is within reach.
You sound jealous Mooster. Stick to slapping it around in the showers with your high school boys faggot
Weinstein got the same pass for giving millions to pro choice. Politics are the morality
Kind of stupid IMO
Exhibit 173628 why political parties are awful and anyone who votes for a party is a fucking idiot.
Helps Trump IMO.
How is she not harassing poor Seagal by shoving those cuddly bumps into his eye sockets?