Have some reason, mate. Regulation in this circumstance is necessary, even if it's inconvenient for some folks who think they have a right to immediately start rebuilding on their land in the middle of a wasteland during a massive hazardous waste/debris cleanup and infrastructure repair effort by the Corps of Engineers and whoever else. If you see this argument, ignore it. There's dozens of hazards that are very real still, and every situation is different. This shit just happened and it doesn't end when the fire is out. They're out there in HazMat suits. To spin a narrative that the Man is hindering rebuild efforts on February 19th for any reason but the safety and health of the land, the infrastructure, residents, etc., is hella gay. Blame the Army, I guess.
I've lit of home fires and few explosions from has leaks (very impressive) also seen them get cleaned up right away and rebuilding start quickly. This is a plot to steal that land. Nothing more. Total bullshit.
Before starting fire debris removal, known as “phase two,” the Army Corps needs opt-in paperwork from homeowners who want the corps to clear their land. More than 7,300 L.A. County property owners had completed those forms by Monday, an “unprecedented” number, Fenton said. The paperwork, called right-of-entry forms, are due March 31.
Property owners can also choose to clear debris themselves by paying out of pocket for a specialized, licensed contractor or going through their insurance companies. So far, 315 property owners have opted out of having the government remove their debris.
One of my friends was told he couldn't go to his home in PP for 2 weeks. Once he got there he was told that it would take anywhere between 4 to18 months for the state to give the all clear on hazardous waste. Trump hears all this liberal bullshit and puts the troops in there with a deadline of just a month or two. My friend and his wife dressed up and helped members of the armed forces clear their property. It took one hour. One fucking hour. They raked out any remaining plastic (defined by CA liberals as hazardous waste by the way} and some other debris, did some on site soil sample readings and moved on to their neighbor.
In other words, the left in CA is spewing bullshit. The only thing left at my friends home is metal, concrete and stone. Everything else is ash. CA politicians were going to torture these poor people for years with their hazardous waste bullshit. Trump saves the day once again and CA poli's take credit. Newsome has zero shame on that front.
Georgiaduck and I have another friend who lost his home. I am going to speak with him today and find out how his deal is going. I will share.
DYOR. Anything you want to know about environmental impacts/risk, health hazards, debris removal, re-entry, rebuild permitting, it's out there.
February 16th, 2025
Photo by Sgt. Maj. Casey Nelsen
U.S. Army North
The Palisades ain't Chernobyl.
Stop being such a dictator and let the people take the risk to rebuild their homes on their property and live again.
Dragging them through hell so some nerd with an air monitor can pocket 1500/day for a year is not it.
Fascists don't let people on their own property
Safety is a common excuse for fascists
Have some reason, mate. Regulation in this circumstance is necessary, even if it's inconvenient for some folks who think they have a right to immediately start rebuilding on their land in the middle of a wasteland during a massive hazardous waste/debris cleanup and infrastructure repair effort by the Corps of Engineers and whoever else. If you see this argument, ignore it. There's dozens of hazards that are very real still, and every situation is different. This shit just happened and it doesn't end when the fire is out. They're out there in HazMat suits. To spin a narrative that the Man is hindering rebuild efforts on February 19th for any reason but the safety and health of the land, the infrastructure, residents, etc., is hella gay. Blame the Army, I guess.
Save this debate for summer.
Just be happy the crown will give you a chance to build when they so deem.
People are capable of hiring their own contractor to do haz cleanup. At 1/10th the price and schedule of government contractors.
It isn't rocket science.
Truly, fuck off.
I've lit of home fires and few explosions from has leaks (very impressive) also seen them get cleaned up right away and rebuilding start quickly. This is a plot to steal that land. Nothing more. Total bullshit.
Before starting fire debris removal, known as “phase two,” the Army Corps needs opt-in paperwork from homeowners who want the corps to clear their land. More than 7,300 L.A. County property owners had completed those forms by Monday, an “unprecedented” number, Fenton said. The paperwork, called right-of-entry forms, are due March 31.
Property owners can also choose to clear debris themselves by paying out of pocket for a specialized, licensed contractor or going through their insurance companies. So far, 315 property owners have opted out of having the government remove their debris.
One of my friends was told he couldn't go to his home in PP for 2 weeks. Once he got there he was told that it would take anywhere between 4 to18 months for the state to give the all clear on hazardous waste. Trump hears all this liberal bullshit and puts the troops in there with a deadline of just a month or two. My friend and his wife dressed up and helped members of the armed forces clear their property. It took one hour. One fucking hour. They raked out any remaining plastic (defined by CA liberals as hazardous waste by the way} and some other debris, did some on site soil sample readings and moved on to their neighbor.
In other words, the left in CA is spewing bullshit. The only thing left at my friends home is metal, concrete and stone. Everything else is ash. CA politicians were going to torture these poor people for years with their hazardous waste bullshit. Trump saves the day once again and CA poli's take credit. Newsome has zero shame on that front.
Georgiaduck and I have another friend who lost his home. I am going to speak with him today and find out how his deal is going. I will share.
They don't want to rebuild family homes so as always they use safety as a concern to take away rights and delay to the point of having to sell
We had this as the flames still roared
One of the lesbians fire gals who was featured was murdered by her wife
Sad. Even sadder was the attempt to blame it on Trump criticizing the response
Also, we only count touchdowns in our score, it’s in the hundreds now.
Guys it takes time
They promoted a gal to be fire marshall Jill here (haha).
Without knowing anything, I know it's a virtue signaling DEI hire. I think she's white, and I'm pretty sure she's lesbian.
or donations to ActBlue.