Community Notes tell me the documentarian of the “long-abandoned” project didn’t want to commit suicide.
There is an Anthony Bourdain story involving Adam Schiff and an alleged murder at the Standard Hotel in LA that has been around for years and has never really been investigated in the public sphere.
Your government at work again. 33 foster children. Starving.
I guess the government didn't notice anything strange. We just need more government I guess.
That was easy.
Pedo's i's the real i'ssue.
Dont let economic chao's di'stract you.
The pedos created the economic chaos.
Economic chaos
Cool story
Dazzler defends pedo's news at 11:00.
Community Notes tell me the documentarian of the “long-abandoned” project didn’t want to commit suicide.
There is an Anthony Bourdain story involving Adam Schiff and an alleged murder at the Standard Hotel in LA that has been around for years and has never really been investigated in the public sphere.
I remember when this guy was on Tucker and Jesse Watters
How much free time do you have to be watching those shows? You must be a government worker.
Glad the pedo got caught. Where are the Epstein prosecutions?
I don't have cable. Saw his stupid pedo face on twitter.