The gods seemed to laugh and smite their enthusiasm with a Cal blackout season followed by a Don Johnavan/Jimmy Lake/covid explosion. They must’ve fucked their own operation but the timing is pretty funny in my memory.
if I remember correctly they were trying to more or lease monetize a combination of Doogman and this site. Big problem was there’s just not much opportunity for monetizing sports media so even if it was great you’re fighting an uphill battle. The few you do see are likely really being subsidized by sponsored content
They made one of them throw together a buggy WordPress site, realized it was going to be a flaming piece of shit, and then made the only 1 or 2 guys left responding (chest and subk) tell people that the rest of them were just "super busy".
It went down the shitter when SubK became the vocal part of the crew. I didn't like the unhinged version of DDY much either. Before they went off the rails him and Pepsi were good for the site.
Was that Bow Down To Washington?
@DerekJohnson the main recruiting expert
When I want the cutting edge of recruiting info, I always turn first to Joey Dangerously. Who then in turn asks me why I'm asking him.
@CokeGreaterThanPepsi @Dennis_DeYoung
The gods seemed to laugh and smite their enthusiasm with a Cal blackout season followed by a Don Johnavan/Jimmy Lake/covid explosion. They must’ve fucked their own operation but the timing is pretty funny in my memory.
Sad to see how far they have fallen.
Not really. They fagged out, so no empathy on my part.
RIP @Crow_T_Robot
if I remember correctly they were trying to more or lease monetize a combination of Doogman and this site. Big problem was there’s just not much opportunity for monetizing sports media so even if it was great you’re fighting an uphill battle. The few you do see are likely really being subsidized by sponsored content
you forgot the white guy that claimed he wasn’t… subk
@dnc took care of that guy
This just isn’t a viable career path. I mean maybe one guy can side hustle a bit of coin but that’s it.
They made one of them throw together a buggy WordPress site, realized it was going to be a flaming piece of shit, and then made the only 1 or 2 guys left responding (chest and subk) tell people that the rest of them were just "super busy".
I liked having those guys around. Brought a different perspective than the standard negadooging
☝🏽 this. Thank you. Guys a psycho. Makes me look normal.
You have a good memory and apparently file receipts very well. 😆
It went down the shitter when SubK became the vocal part of the crew. I didn't like the unhinged version of DDY much either. Before they went off the rails him and Pepsi were good for the site.