I remember having some evening drinks in a very nice LA hotel when a Thai Air air crew rolled in to spend the night. Very impressive collection of young happy energetic women.
I prefer light in the loafers @Shane with a lisp, and 60 year old battle ax Barbara who is 40 lbs. overweight and hates her ex husband and every single customer.
When they (rightfully so) changed the rules so that the airlines couldn't push you out of the flight attendant job at 32 years of age, the older stews came back and the change was pretty stark. It went from young and vibrant to older and sometimes cranky. By the 90's it was no longer a glamor job for young females and the planes became so big and cramped that travel turned into a nightmare.
Flying into Taiwan in the 80's was something. The women were incredibly attractive and nice, and the aircraft had room even in the economy class section at the back of the plane. First class was incredible service. On one trip I played blackjack all night with the three first class attendants after everyone was asleep. Was so hung over the next day I just wanted to hit the hotel and sleep.
Flew into Seoul on a 747 and in the circular bar upstairs I played back gammon with the two attendants all night long. Very attractive women but they had time to hang with passengers back then. If you like Asian women (as Derek surely does), that was the place to fly to back in the day. Every one of those women were 9's.
I have over 8 million flight miles over my career and I absolutely hate to fly any more. Its just a shit show, although I don't miss the smoking on a plane (stopped in about 1987 I believe), everything else about the whole experience has eroded to shit.
If you are young and hot, being a flight attendant on private jets is the place to be. Great pay and they get to meet a lot of very wealthy successful men.
There are hot stewardesses, but there are hardly ever more than one per flight, except for maybe some 15 hour flight around the world. I will say a male flight attendant gave me an extra shot of vodka for a red eye to Newark or JFK once (hopefully he wasn't trying to hit on Bill).
I have many thoughts on this and really don't know where to begin. Having young, vibrant female flight attendants definitely resonates with most passengers - more so the men.
My perspective as a line captain is totally different. I want them to be able to do their jobs in an emergency or dealing with the occasional douchebags in the back. You'd be surprised how many midair medical issues we get. The mileage varies on how well some FA crews handle those.
I've been in the industry 24+ years. Their hotness or lack there of doesn't really matter. I keep things professional, but light. I do not fraternize with them. When I upgraded to captain, I got a star on my wings and a target on my back. Some FAs are out to get you. Either they want to be your ball-and-chain or take your down for inappropriate behavior. There have been too many #metoo incidents, some years after the fact and the pilots in question got the hammer dropped on them.
Emirates, Singapore and Air Malaysia still roll like that.
Virgin Air before the Alaska purchase as well.
Derek has a fever
I remember having some evening drinks in a very nice LA hotel when a Thai Air air crew rolled in to spend the night. Very impressive collection of young happy energetic women.
I prefer light in the loafers @Shane with a lisp, and 60 year old battle ax Barbara who is 40 lbs. overweight and hates her ex husband and every single customer.
Probably get a better class of passengers too on a jumbo jet flight from Bangkok to LA than from Southwest 737 from Oakland to Lubbock.
When they (rightfully so) changed the rules so that the airlines couldn't push you out of the flight attendant job at 32 years of age, the older stews came back and the change was pretty stark. It went from young and vibrant to older and sometimes cranky. By the 90's it was no longer a glamor job for young females and the planes became so big and cramped that travel turned into a nightmare.
Flying into Taiwan in the 80's was something. The women were incredibly attractive and nice, and the aircraft had room even in the economy class section at the back of the plane. First class was incredible service. On one trip I played blackjack all night with the three first class attendants after everyone was asleep. Was so hung over the next day I just wanted to hit the hotel and sleep.
Flew into Seoul on a 747 and in the circular bar upstairs I played back gammon with the two attendants all night long. Very attractive women but they had time to hang with passengers back then. If you like Asian women (as Derek surely does), that was the place to fly to back in the day. Every one of those women were 9's.
I have over 8 million flight miles over my career and I absolutely hate to fly any more. Its just a shit show, although I don't miss the smoking on a plane (stopped in about 1987 I believe), everything else about the whole experience has eroded to shit.
Oakland or L.A. to Vegas is special.
I like Korean with a side of Thai.
Let's not paint with a broad brush
If you are young and hot, being a flight attendant on private jets is the place to be. Great pay and they get to meet a lot of very wealthy successful men.
True. And, they are encouraged to spend time chatting with the customers.
The big talent is in this market segment.
There are hot stewardesses, but there are hardly ever more than one per flight, except for maybe some 15 hour flight around the world. I will say a male flight attendant gave me an extra shot of vodka for a red eye to Newark or JFK once (hopefully he wasn't trying to hit on Bill).
He was.
I have many thoughts on this and really don't know where to begin. Having young, vibrant female flight attendants definitely resonates with most passengers - more so the men.
My perspective as a line captain is totally different. I want them to be able to do their jobs in an emergency or dealing with the occasional douchebags in the back. You'd be surprised how many midair medical issues we get. The mileage varies on how well some FA crews handle those.
I've been in the industry 24+ years. Their hotness or lack there of doesn't really matter. I keep things professional, but light. I do not fraternize with them. When I upgraded to captain, I got a star on my wings and a target on my back. Some FAs are out to get you. Either they want to be your ball-and-chain or take your down for inappropriate behavior. There have been too many #metoo incidents, some years after the fact and the pilots in question got the hammer dropped on them.
At this point I just want them to be able to kick super obese people out and tell annoying people to sit down and shut the fuck up.
We are not a serious country.
holy moly