74% of Americans are obese, but not all 100% of those people are on Medicaid. Also, that assumes that all of those people would want to use Ozempic. Lastly, Ozempic does not cost $1500 a month. The numbers I've seen are just under $1,000 a month without insurance. One would think that the federal government could also get a discount if tens of millions of customers are being brought to the table.
Teacher unions know best. Keep the parents out of it. The extraordinary job that the dems have done with education combined with us spending the most money on it definitely warrants keeping the ball in their court.
Steel framed structure cant collapse straight down without explosive cutting charges. It's never happened before or since. Anywhere. The partial collapse would stop. It's how they are designed.
Joe Rogan and Headboard, look out. Big Mike and her brother are doing a podcast. I expect some scintillating summary posts from Derek. Prelude to a 2028 run?
74% of Americans are obese, but not all 100% of those people are on Medicaid. Also, that assumes that all of those people would want to use Ozempic. Lastly, Ozempic does not cost $1500 a month. The numbers I've seen are just under $1,000 a month without insurance. One would think that the federal government could also get a discount if tens of millions of customers are being brought to the table.
Talk to RFK. I didn't come up with the number. Check Medicaid prices vs retail. I'm betting there is a difference.
A month's worth of Ozempic costs around $300 in Canada, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
I actually don't... what am I supposed to see?
All you see is rubble inside an EMPTY building that falls down without being struck.
There were fires on the upper floors.... popular mechanics did a long debunk of all the claims years ago … but keep your conspiracy up.
I say none of them could free fall collapse.
Teacher unions know best. Keep the parents out of it. The extraordinary job that the dems have done with education combined with us spending the most money on it definitely warrants keeping the ball in their court.
Steel framed structure cant collapse straight down without explosive cutting charges. It's never happened before or since. Anywhere. The partial collapse would stop. It's how they are designed.
Just leaving this here for consideration.
So you didn't read the article... got it
I say it's wrong.
cool the scientist there are wrong... you know more than them... got it.
Nice link
Joe Rogan and Headboard, look out. Big Mike and her brother are doing a podcast. I expect some scintillating summary posts from Derek. Prelude to a 2028 run?