It looks like we loaned 40% and granted 60%. It should have been more loans than grants. Authorized by Congress. In WWII we loaned to the UK which was effectively broke by the early 40s. They finally paid off loans a few years ago.
True, but I’m not going to fall for that WW2 bullshit. Russia was on the German side until Hitler’s dumbass turned on Russia and invaded them. Russia then “donated” 2 million troops, because they had to. Again, because they were being invaded. A 50/50 deal is Russia gives back the land it took from February 2022 on, but keeps Crimea. With Ukraine, they can’t join NATO. Not hard.
But but but, the destruction…
Yep, expensive lesson learned. Next time Ukraine, don’t poke the fucking bear.
Mein Kampf: The socialist/fascist bible. Says it right on the cover. Just like the kkk/antifa are democrat brown boots.
The attempts by the weak minded libs on here to attach Trump to hitler are ridiculous and sophomoric. Just what you would expect from them. When they try to falsely align Trump to Russia, all I can think of is biden and hunter selling influence to the russians, chinese and ukrainians.
If rats are falsely accusing you of doing something, odds are it is they who are doing it.
Why do we always have to fund everything?
I'd have been fine giving them 30 billion, if they had spent it properly and not on Rolls Royces and jewelry for the general's wives with fake tits.
It looks like we loaned 40% and granted 60%. It should have been more loans than grants. Authorized by Congress. In WWII we loaned to the UK which was effectively broke by the early 40s. They finally paid off loans a few years ago.
Would be a huge help if Z knew where half the money the US gave him went.
Tell the money laundering weasel to go find it.
well they got the green light to rape pretty much everyone
So if you’re an incel like HH and co it was a pretty good deal
True, but I’m not going to fall for that WW2 bullshit. Russia was on the German side until Hitler’s dumbass turned on Russia and invaded them. Russia then “donated” 2 million troops, because they had to. Again, because they were being invaded. A 50/50 deal is Russia gives back the land it took from February 2022 on, but keeps Crimea. With Ukraine, they can’t join NATO. Not hard.
But but but, the destruction…
Yep, expensive lesson learned. Next time Ukraine, don’t poke the fucking bear.
I'm sure Mein Kampf is readily available.
Mein Kampf: The socialist/fascist bible. Says it right on the cover. Just like the kkk/antifa are democrat brown boots.
The attempts by the weak minded libs on here to attach Trump to hitler are ridiculous and sophomoric. Just what you would expect from them. When they try to falsely align Trump to Russia, all I can think of is biden and hunter selling influence to the russians, chinese and ukrainians.
If rats are falsely accusing you of doing something, odds are it is they who are doing it.