Guy who voted for communism whatabouts someone who voted for freedom. Move to the communist country of your choice. None of that shit here. We're heavily armed and we will not allow the nonsense you liberally educated morons were indoctrinated with.
Were open borders and the theft of 100s of billions of tax payer dollars hard nos?
Was government coercion of censorship on social media a hard no?
How about lying to us and forcing us to stick a needle in our arm under false pretenses so that donors could collect 100s of billions of dollars? Hard no?
How about spying and coordinated lawfare of an opposing candidate? Was that a hard no?
Let’s be honest, absent the hysteria around J6 you would have voted for Trump. At your age I’m sure your brain supersedes your heart and that’s ok. It’s normal, even.
The fuck is wrong with these people? Is it a thirst for power and control that they jump on such absurd bullshit.
Or do these fucks really think cutting off a kid's dick or boobs will solve all their teenage angst?
Guess what? Teenagers have angst. Watch The fucking Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles.
Guy who voted for communism whatabouts someone who voted for freedom. Move to the communist country of your choice. None of that shit here. We're heavily armed and we will not allow the nonsense you liberally educated morons were indoctrinated with.
Buddy I hate to break it for you but you should have voted for Trump, based on what you posted here.
But you didn’t because you don’t like him, and I get that. You have community/friend pressure not to, and I get that too.
You want a strong border?
A better path to citizenship?
LGBTQ rights?
A step back from Trans madness?
A pull back from absurd interventions in foreign conflicts?
Like I said you voted for the wrong candidate. It’s ok it happens.
@thechatch I have no pressure to vote for anything. I do just fine thinking for myself. too many things on Trump's side were a hard no.
oh I'm so scared, crayon eater.
Were open borders and the theft of 100s of billions of tax payer dollars hard nos?
Was government coercion of censorship on social media a hard no?
How about lying to us and forcing us to stick a needle in our arm under false pretenses so that donors could collect 100s of billions of dollars? Hard no?
How about spying and coordinated lawfare of an opposing candidate? Was that a hard no?
Let’s be honest, absent the hysteria around J6 you would have voted for Trump. At your age I’m sure your brain supersedes your heart and that’s ok. It’s normal, even.
BidenBros cheer the theft!
Ducks gobbles Obama/Biden/Soros.
Founders had experience and they made sure we could do it again!
The insanity is insane
phallic and non-phallic days sounds like a Jimmy Lake policy.
Jimmy was bepenised though
We might have to employ phallic and non-phallic days here at Hardcore Husky.
@Doog_de_Jour, true?