The ultimate move to make would be to somehow force other countries to pay the fully loaded cost like the US does for pharmaceuticals instead of just marginal cost +. That is the low hanging fruit on savings.
Cucky likes Canadian tariffs on all US goods but hates American tariffs on Canadian goods. Why do yo commies shitbags hate America so much? Please give us the reason.
Hahahaha didn’t I tell you it was coming?? What happened guys?
It’s clear to me this board can’t comprehend tariffs and the long term impacts to the US economy. Like I said…I’m all for it. I know how to watch for entertainment.
I have no issue with short term negotiations.. but it better be done by 26 or they will give the house to the democrats and anything he wants passed is done...
@DucksFC had it down to a few hours for his Tug freakout two weeks ago before it was proven untrue in the same thread. This happened as he was still in his meltdown. Can’t recall what it was about because these guys are spazzing out multiple times a day, but I called him on it.
Not to be a dick @Goduckies, because we like you, but we heard similar hesitations from you on Trump’s electability as @46XiJCAB was melting down over Ron. Do the right thing and say it with authority and let the chips fall where they may. Deregulate the economy, cut tons of spending and bond rates come down which is deflationary. In theory that offsets whatever tariff inflation risk there is.
Exactly. Yes they will impeach him, who the fuck cares though. Let Dems take the house and they can shut down the government for us. Let them negotiate with Elon.
The ultimate move to make would be to somehow force other countries to pay the fully loaded cost like the US does for pharmaceuticals instead of just marginal cost +. That is the low hanging fruit on savings.
Cucky likes Canadian tariffs on all US goods but hates American tariffs on Canadian goods. Why do yo commies shitbags hate America so much? Please give us the reason.
Hahahaha didn’t I tell you it was coming?? What happened guys?
It’s clear to me this board can’t comprehend tariffs and the long term impacts to the US economy. Like I said…I’m all for it. I know how to watch for entertainment.
I’m getting really tired being right.
April 2nd. He said so last night Jimmy Olsen
Newsflash: He’s not gonna do it on that day either.
May not have to
Keep rooting for the away team
Shouldn’t you be happy about it?
It’s so obvious that you have never negotiated anything in your life.
Trump has you retards reacting so immediately to everything. Do any of you Leftists actually work outside of a government job?
I have no issue with short term negotiations.. but it better be done by 26 or they will give the house to the democrats and anything he wants passed is done...
See my post about 1982
Bucky thinks USPS is a Fortune 10 company.
Is your negotiating experience solely based on bartering for an ice cream cone?
JFC, everything Trump does is a negotiation. He headfaked and now the Arabs are paying for the Gaza Riviera.
It used to be 6 months for a conspiracy theory to come true.
Now it's watch the left freak out and wait two-three business days for them to be wrong.
@DucksFC had it down to a few hours for his Tug freakout two weeks ago before it was proven untrue in the same thread. This happened as he was still in his meltdown. Can’t recall what it was about because these guys are spazzing out multiple times a day, but I called him on it.
Not all elections are the same
i want 4 years if GOP control not 2
Not to be a dick @Goduckies, because we like you, but we heard similar hesitations from you on Trump’s electability as @46XiJCAB was melting down over Ron. Do the right thing and say it with authority and let the chips fall where they may. Deregulate the economy, cut tons of spending and bond rates come down which is deflationary. In theory that offsets whatever tariff inflation risk there is.
Fear of losing is why the entire congress is a cesspool of corruption
Leaders lead even if there are risks
Trump is a leader and his optimism is infectious like Reagan
Trump and maga will grow in popularity if they stay the course. Who cares if the GOP loses a worthless congress
Get out there and make the case if you want to keep your job
If you're scared get a dog
Exactly. Yes they will impeach him, who the fuck cares though. Let Dems take the house and they can shut down the government for us. Let them negotiate with Elon.