Look at that…Trump about to back down. He knows he’ll fuck America if he goes through with it. We had several idiots on this board thinking tariffs were a good thing.
If I were Canada and Mexico I’d tell him no deal until he lifts those tariffs. He’ll blink
Hey you were the one who didn’t know who was gonna get hurt with tariffs.
I think we all know I’ve been correct in matters of finance the entire way. The proof is below. Every expert you’ve sent at me I’ve destroyed and made them go into hiding for months.
Listen to me when I tell you how things will work out from an economic standpoint.
p.s. How do we resurrect Ern? Is there like a donation we can give to the Catholic Church that will magically restore him on this board?
Bob you understand…if a Canadian good is selling lower than a corresponding American good and you place a tariff on it, then the Canadian good rises on par with the American good. The net result:
-Canadian company gets hurt as they will sell less
-American consumers get hurt as they will pay more
-American companies may or may not benefit as consumers will buy less of that good
People are already at the limit…if you wanna decimate the automobile industry, by all means implement your tariff and see if people will tolerate any kind of percentage increase in cars.
Trump wont do this….this is an empty threat to look tough on the world stage.
(But by all means put a tariff on Canadian lumber. I wanna see my homes’ market value fly through the roof)
The auto industry is moving back to America. That's called winning
Trump just unleashed lumber production on American land
You really ought to keep up with current events not democrat talking points
Why are people at the limit? Biden had a great economy according to Amazon line workers
Why does Canada have such high tariffs on US goods and why do you support that? How about both countries get rid of them which is what Trump is doing via strength not your weak loser attitude
So Daddy’s big 2019 replacement of NAFTA left us getting fucked is your claim.
Art of the Deal
Yeah, you broke his brain. When I do it, he just ignores the post and/or ejects from the thread like it never happened.
“We have to cancel elections in order to protect democracy.”
Millions of Canadians and tens of millions of Americans would agree if their party is in power and cancels elections.
You import rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong and sell it on Amazon.
You can't even figure out how to @ someone which is a major tell of a technically illiterate fag that's not worth engaging.
Also, "I work at a fortune 10" is just hilarious.
The dumbest retards that have no self awareness of their place in the hamster wheel say shit like this.
@DerekJohnson the early returns suggest deporting Ern and importing more buck is a slight net negative
Level 7 even!
Unfortunately they both broke it under sleepy Joe!
I guess I didn’t realize that this guy was Rob Ford’s brother 😂
JFC can the left find someone wanting to go to war with Trump who doesn’t have a close family member who is a crack addict?
Lol don't ya know eh
Please don’t address me until you’ve addressed that debt you owe me. Thanks.
Look at that…Trump about to back down. He knows he’ll fuck America if he goes through with it. We had several idiots on this board thinking tariffs were a good thing.
If I were Canada and Mexico I’d tell him no deal until he lifts those tariffs. He’ll blink
And Trudeua and the Mexico chick are as stupid as Buck
I like our chances
Hey you were the one who didn’t know who was gonna get hurt with tariffs.
I think we all know I’ve been correct in matters of finance the entire way. The proof is below. Every expert you’ve sent at me I’ve destroyed and made them go into hiding for months.
Listen to me when I tell you how things will work out from an economic standpoint.
p.s. How do we resurrect Ern? Is there like a donation we can give to the Catholic Church that will magically restore him on this board?
I'm rooting for America. I like our chances. You can have America's hat and asshole and the points
So who pays the tariff on a Canadian good that has a very competitive and price sensitive market for consumer sales?
Bob you understand…if a Canadian good is selling lower than a corresponding American good and you place a tariff on it, then the Canadian good rises on par with the American good. The net result:
-Canadian company gets hurt as they will sell less
-American consumers get hurt as they will pay more
-American companies may or may not benefit as consumers will buy less of that good
People are already at the limit…if you wanna decimate the automobile industry, by all means implement your tariff and see if people will tolerate any kind of percentage increase in cars.
Trump wont do this….this is an empty threat to look tough on the world stage.
(But by all means put a tariff on Canadian lumber. I wanna see my homes’ market value fly through the roof)
The auto industry is moving back to America. That's called winning
Trump just unleashed lumber production on American land
You really ought to keep up with current events not democrat talking points
Why are people at the limit? Biden had a great economy according to Amazon line workers
Why does Canada have such high tariffs on US goods and why do you support that? How about both countries get rid of them which is what Trump is doing via strength not your weak loser attitude
Ok let me simplify it for you Race. Why were those jobs away from America in the first place?
And folks…please keep in mind all these countries had a trade agreement with each other called the USMCA.
If Trump is po’d that the US is getting screwed from that agreement he should go yell at the person who signed it.