I just want to thank trump for silencing the stupidity coming out of college campuses today! Finally we can send our SONS and DAUGHTERS to the college they want to go to without worrying about brainwash!
Think about it. A convicted violent felon high on fentanyl, one who had threatened a woman with a knife, dies during an arrest. The left burns down businesses, beats innocent people, murders innocent people, loot countless businesses, destroy statues and deface countless public properties, and injure over 2000 police officers across the country. Then erect statues of the criminal, defund our police and accuse anyone who is upset by the violence of being a racist. The lefts leadership then encourages dozens of racists to run for office. The plight of the poor black inner city American only got worse because of the orchestration by rat leadership. There was zero improvement, just as rat leadership had planned.
Fast forward, Jewish people on campuses are being harassed and in some cases physically assaulted by leftists and the children of leftists. The outrage by democrats is non-existent.
Last night the rat leadership acted like spoiled rotten 3 year olds and disrespected not only our country, our fellow American voters and the chambers with their rude and unbelievably caustic behavior but had a rebuttal speech that was so filled with hatred and lies it boggled the mind. She called for more violence.
If you don't do what they want, they will get violent and they will tell their brain dead followers to support this behavior. How much longer the majority will put up with this is anyone's guess but one thing for sure is ducksfc and hh believe violence and intimidation against Jews is just "free speech'. The kkk would agree with them I suppose but that shouldn't surprise anybody, its still the same old democrat party at work.
Didn't you know? Violent protesters always stay between the velvet ropes and high five security guards.
When Republican voters start looting, burning, beating and murdering, get back to me. Until then STFU with the lack of moral equivalencies. Jan 6th was an orchestrated picnic compared to the violence on campuses today and nothing compares to the floyd riots that cost people their lives and continues to cloud our country to this day.
I am loving all this free speech
Aren't you a J6 guy?
Note that this is a comparison
Legal protests are allowed. Violent destruction of property and targeting Jews will be prosecuted
You can yell River to the Sea but you can't do it
Left doesn't do nuance as it would interfere with the delusional feeling of righteousness
no one will ever stop university students protesting.
It's almost like they purposely ignore the "Peaceful" portion of protest.
One would think Mr. Rapinoe would be against young Jewish students being threatened on and off campus.
We should officially declare Islam to be an enemy of the United States
Think about it. A convicted violent felon high on fentanyl, one who had threatened a woman with a knife, dies during an arrest. The left burns down businesses, beats innocent people, murders innocent people, loot countless businesses, destroy statues and deface countless public properties, and injure over 2000 police officers across the country. Then erect statues of the criminal, defund our police and accuse anyone who is upset by the violence of being a racist. The lefts leadership then encourages dozens of racists to run for office. The plight of the poor black inner city American only got worse because of the orchestration by rat leadership. There was zero improvement, just as rat leadership had planned.
Fast forward, Jewish people on campuses are being harassed and in some cases physically assaulted by leftists and the children of leftists. The outrage by democrats is non-existent.
Last night the rat leadership acted like spoiled rotten 3 year olds and disrespected not only our country, our fellow American voters and the chambers with their rude and unbelievably caustic behavior but had a rebuttal speech that was so filled with hatred and lies it boggled the mind. She called for more violence.
If you don't do what they want, they will get violent and they will tell their brain dead followers to support this behavior. How much longer the majority will put up with this is anyone's guess but one thing for sure is ducksfc and hh believe violence and intimidation against Jews is just "free speech'. The kkk would agree with them I suppose but that shouldn't surprise anybody, its still the same old democrat party at work.
Yeah Swoop this is a great idea! Maybe they can make us wear stars too before we protest to make us easier to identify while we’re at it!!!!!
Speaking of Jan 6, didn’t we just pardon a bunch of violent protesters??? The irony.
No we didn't
Didn't you know? Violent protesters always stay between the velvet ropes and high five security guards.
When Republican voters start looting, burning, beating and murdering, get back to me. Until then STFU with the lack of moral equivalencies. Jan 6th was an orchestrated picnic compared to the violence on campuses today and nothing compares to the floyd riots that cost people their lives and continues to cloud our country to this day.
Jan 6th……… what a fucking joke.
Are you sure I won’t find footage people destroying property at the Capitol building that day?? Wanna bet me $10000 on it?
Lol it’s amazing how the rule is “protests are ok unless you’re destroying something” changes when the protesters are on your team.
You are comparing Jan 6, to the violent and destructive country wide democrat led Floyd riots?
You are too stupid to waste any more time on.
Did they destroy property in the Capitol building that day? Then yes I’m comparing it to other destructive riots.
The DOJ scoured social media to arrest J 6 folks
Let's have equal justice
Wow imagine swoop coming back the same week as Buck. It's a coincidence that happens perfectly everytime.
The Throbber feared for dEmoCRAcY! with unarmed little old ladies touring the Capitol Building behind velvet ropes.
Worst day since 9/11/1864 during the Civil War.
The DOJ sure showed those bitches and imprisoned them.
I remember how at both Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 work stopped but then resumed two hours later.
I remember the Buffalo Shaman running around shouting Tora! Tora! Tora!
Show me the violence Sparky. Post up bitch!