That’s how you’d describe my portfolio over the last month.
Man, I’d seriously suspect crashing the market is intentional. Can we please have visibility and make sure Musk and Trump aren’t doing any big transactions when the market is down. Who’s the watchdog I should contact.
No one wants to here about your period bro.
”hear” Bob. English is our new official language yo.
You sound poor. Learn to adapt.
So four years of your commies destroying the economy/country/world is now Trumps fault? You're so stupid I am clueless on how you can remember to breathe.
Oh you gals
The economy was destroyed? My net worth killed it in those 4 years (along with everyone else)
How is your 409k doing, Mall Cop?
Buying opportunity....
My stuff is doing just fine right now. Yes. Destroyed. Fake numbers for every economic indicator, job numbers, inflation, illegal invasion etc. etc. etc. You think that wasn't intentional? You are a special kind of moron.
I've been doing so.
"Paranoia is the delusion that your enemies are organized."
Arthur D. Hlavaty
buy the dip, pussy
BitchFork, please don’t tell me how to manage my portfolio, thanks.
I think I’ve proven to everyone on the thread below that I’ve known when to buy and when to sell, and I put it in writing for everyone to see IN ADVANCE. Why? Because I’m not a pussy!
Bucky rage posting this morning
Love it
Slow day in 'international trade', I guess.
Bucky isn't grown up enough to understand that playing with nickels and quarters is not the real world.
He hasn't figured out that there are several people on this board that buy and sell his net worth on an hourly basis.
He is the yappy little mutt that tries to remove your socks because he can reach no higher.
Lots of tough talk here boys, but only two of you were brave enough to put your stock recommendations out for everyone to see. Yes they bombed their picks, but at least they were brave enough to do it knowing I would roast them when they were wrong.
The rest of yall simply pussed out.
If you give me a printing press to blow out government spending, I can make the economy hum. Why not pump the Fed's balance sheet up to $12 trillion? Biden put it up to nearly $9 trillion.
Growing government spending and government payrolls is not a good way for durable growth and growing productivity (which is why the USA has done so much better than Europe over the past 15 to 20 years).
I don't need stock recommendations. I pay people to handle that because I'm busy working instead of whatever it is you pretend to do