I think no tax on OT is also important. I never worked hourly and never got OT but still I do know a lot of guys that did and the taxes took most of it
SS and OT. Tips are a whatever for me. I like to tip. I liked it a lot more before fucking Taco Time started asking for one
So I placed an order and swiped my card and you want 20%? Fuck off
I am always sure to tip the waitress and send the lawn guy a little Christmas bonus
My issue with no tax on tips is that most servers aren't going to be affected by it. No tax on OT would be a positive (but only in private sector jobs)- one of my brothers is a driver for UPS. His December paycheck would get a serious bump.
No tax on SS would benefit about 40M people living over the age of 65- something like half of them rely on SS as main income.
I ordered a pizza from little Cesar’s for my 93 year old father at his Assisted Living a couple weeks ago. Specifically asked the driver to deliver to his room while I was with him for a few hours on the weekend.
Tipped the delivery driver 20% not including the delivery fees and he messages me saying he couldn’t get in the front door. I walk to the front door and of course it opens automatically.
This moron didn’t walk to the entrance close enough to have the automatic sliding doors open. Lazy fuck and I tipped this guy on Uber Eats prior and then he wasn’t at the door and I had to walk to him to get my dad’s order 50 yards away where there is pick and drop off when family visit.
Many people don’t take pride in their work and many service industry people believe tips aren’t earned but a given. I was too lazy to dispute the tip because it’s probably a pain in the ass. I prefer to pay a cash tip but don’t want to risk them spitting on our food because they would assume I don’t tip. I also prefer the cash tip allow them to earn more.
I’ve been an over tipper for decades because I waited table downtown as an undergrad at UW. Tipping is insane now. I still typically overtip but fuck off with the extremes now like fast food and the likes. Sorry for the RANT
No tax on OT in construction is going to make a lot of union guys red pilled who weren't already.
SS taxes are absolutely silly. About the only objection I have is that this should get tied to SS reform to make it less objectionable and more feasible.
Cali tip culture is insane. These same assholes lobied for "living wages" for food workers and now the default tip curve in a lot of these places is 20% 25% 30% while I get shittier service than ever. Just goes to show the entitlements crowd is never satisfied. I'm with @Pitchfork51 tax this shit at 80-90% so it goes the way of the dinosaur.
Something like $25 billion/year out of $4.4 trillion comes from tipped income. It’s such a small percentage it’s not even noticed when running $2 trillion deficits.
It’s just good politics keeping that money in the hands of people who are almost all service industry workers who, in many instances, are living paycheck-to-paycheck. They an use it a lot more than some BigDawgFan handing out condoms in Mozambique.
H.Con.Res. 14 (119th Congress) does not include provisions for “no tax on tips” or “no tax on overtime.” It’s a budget resolution setting fiscal targets, not a tax or labor law, and Trump’s proposals on tips (and unmentioned overtime) would require separate legislation.
I went to a chain haircut place Sundee because I didn't feel like driving 16 miles roundtrip to the place that's actually really good, and calling first, and working around their schedule. The woman who cut my hair looked like a really poor man's (woman's) Megan Fox with some face tat and some borderline anorexia. Anyway, it was $26 ($20 about five years ago). I used my debit card. The minimum tip suggestion was $6. That's over 22 serpent. F off with that. Tipping is FIFTEEN PERCENT. It's not 21, or 18, or 27, or 42. My conspiracy theory is corporations push this nonsense so they can underpay workers. I will give 20 or 22 percent if the waitress or waiter is really really good, or the co-ed bartender gives me her number.
Its not even corporations- guy in my neighborhood owns a restaurant that has a small store in it was well. He brags that he can keep his wages low because folks tip not realizing that part of the bill is for grocery. But he wears a mask in his profile pic so all good.
Now release the fucking Epstein list since the votes have been counted.
I think it’s set up so they can pass this in the Senate as a reconciliation bill. No cloture needed if so.
Still didn't cut spending near enough
Gop likes pork too
I would vote no on no taxes for tips.
I fucking hate tips. Tax them 80 percent
Although I guess I can tip less now since more goes in their pocket.
What’s 75 percent of 20? 15? Lovely. Maybe this does work out.
I'd rather end the tax on social security first- and then worry about tips an OT.
I think no tax on OT is also important. I never worked hourly and never got OT but still I do know a lot of guys that did and the taxes took most of it
SS and OT. Tips are a whatever for me. I like to tip. I liked it a lot more before fucking Taco Time started asking for one
So I placed an order and swiped my card and you want 20%? Fuck off
I am always sure to tip the waitress and send the lawn guy a little Christmas bonus
My issue with no tax on tips is that most servers aren't going to be affected by it. No tax on OT would be a positive (but only in private sector jobs)- one of my brothers is a driver for UPS. His December paycheck would get a serious bump.
No tax on SS would benefit about 40M people living over the age of 65- something like half of them rely on SS as main income.
I can tell you that the SS tax bite is real if you're still working
I tip on good service at asit down restaurant or for food delivery, where an actual service component exists.
The cashier at Taco Bell is not getting 20% to put fast food on a tray for my 10-year-old.
I ordered a pizza from little Cesar’s for my 93 year old father at his Assisted Living a couple weeks ago. Specifically asked the driver to deliver to his room while I was with him for a few hours on the weekend.
Tipped the delivery driver 20% not including the delivery fees and he messages me saying he couldn’t get in the front door. I walk to the front door and of course it opens automatically.
This moron didn’t walk to the entrance close enough to have the automatic sliding doors open. Lazy fuck and I tipped this guy on Uber Eats prior and then he wasn’t at the door and I had to walk to him to get my dad’s order 50 yards away where there is pick and drop off when family visit.
Many people don’t take pride in their work and many service industry people believe tips aren’t earned but a given. I was too lazy to dispute the tip because it’s probably a pain in the ass. I prefer to pay a cash tip but don’t want to risk them spitting on our food because they would assume I don’t tip. I also prefer the cash tip allow them to earn more.
I’ve been an over tipper for decades because I waited table downtown as an undergrad at UW. Tipping is insane now. I still typically overtip but fuck off with the extremes now like fast food and the likes. Sorry for the RANT
No tax on OT in construction is going to make a lot of union guys red pilled who weren't already.
SS taxes are absolutely silly. About the only objection I have is that this should get tied to SS reform to make it less objectionable and more feasible.
Cali tip culture is insane. These same assholes lobied for "living wages" for food workers and now the default tip curve in a lot of these places is 20% 25% 30% while I get shittier service than ever. Just goes to show the entitlements crowd is never satisfied. I'm with @Pitchfork51 tax this shit at 80-90% so it goes the way of the dinosaur.
Something like $25 billion/year out of $4.4 trillion comes from tipped income. It’s such a small percentage it’s not even noticed when running $2 trillion deficits.
It’s just good politics keeping that money in the hands of people who are almost all service industry workers who, in many instances, are living paycheck-to-paycheck. They an use it a lot more than some BigDawgFan handing out condoms in Mozambique.
H.Con.Res. 14 (119th Congress) does not include provisions for “no tax on tips” or “no tax on overtime.” It’s a budget resolution setting fiscal targets, not a tax or labor law, and Trump’s proposals on tips (and unmentioned overtime) would require separate legislation.
Fucking idiots.
Got the headline Ernie
Same as the GOP just voted to slash Medicare and medicade headlines
They didn't
Fucking idiot
And Trump wants no taxes on ss and ot. Lipo
sounds like we need to get it passed so that we can see what’s in it.
Nothing has really changed with congress
This is where the GOP can still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
They won't cut spending enough for one thing
I don't tip in Seattle anymore. They make just under $22 an hour.
I went to a chain haircut place Sundee because I didn't feel like driving 16 miles roundtrip to the place that's actually really good, and calling first, and working around their schedule. The woman who cut my hair looked like a really poor man's (woman's) Megan Fox with some face tat and some borderline anorexia. Anyway, it was $26 ($20 about five years ago). I used my debit card. The minimum tip suggestion was $6. That's over 22 serpent. F off with that. Tipping is FIFTEEN PERCENT. It's not 21, or 18, or 27, or 42. My conspiracy theory is corporations push this nonsense so they can underpay workers. I will give 20 or 22 percent if the waitress or waiter is really really good, or the co-ed bartender gives me her number.
Its not even corporations- guy in my neighborhood owns a restaurant that has a small store in it was well. He brags that he can keep his wages low because folks tip not realizing that part of the bill is for grocery. But he wears a mask in his profile pic so all good.