Novak Djokovic, arguably the world's greatest tennis player of all time. Mostly a plant eater with some fish mixed in.
Fuck Vanilla
Tom Brady with 7 Super Bowl Rings. 81% plants, 19% animals.
I don't know anything other than the working schlub doesn't have a nutritional staff and home gym and hours a day to do the latest thing. Good for these guys. Not a criticism
But a lot of our problems come from a reliance on convenience that is tough to break
I got super healthy thanks to Newsom and his lengthy lockdown
For the record, I don't believe in any miracle/fad diets for long term health and wellness- i.e., carnivore, keto, vegetarian, vegan, etc.
And I would agree that most of our problems arise from "convenience" (i.e., S.A.D.) and sedentary lifestyle.
I had 10 division of men who would exercise 3 hrs a week and eat less convenient food, then our troubles would be over here very quickly.