What the hell did I just read? Seems like the high horse or bad blood of transfers is hard to maintain when you have to take in a massive amount yourself and talk kids into fucking over their programs to join yours.
Put them on revenue sharing contracts with the school straight out of HS. Minimum 2 year deals but schools could expand to 4 if they want. Schollie is guaranteed for 4 years as long as you're on the team.
1 transfer allowed and only after min 2 years with a school.
I'm fully onboard for you have to sit out a year if you're transferring to a program on the program your leaving's tier. You want playing time, that's fine, either sit out a year of drop down a conference.
UW Football clearly has a payment system in place where getting any kind of significant money requires metrics being met such as years in the program, on field performance, academic and NIL participation goals met, etc.
And it is obviously not necessarily like that at other programs.
So the only "bad blood" even privately is a guy like House that as a true freshman that was great in some cases and got road graded in other cases and lacks size against the run, and wants Junior/Starter money right now because he has some turnovers, it's not even an emotional thing. It's just a simple No, not our policy, have fun 'being a pro' at NC.
It's too bad that playing at 3 different schools chasing shitty little bags and playing time has become socially acceptable in the sport.
Really is great for long term building of character.
I hope he fucking takes it personally, despite what he says to the press.
Good Byes?
What the hell did I just read? Seems like the high horse or bad blood of transfers is hard to maintain when you have to take in a massive amount yourself and talk kids into fucking over their programs to join yours.
Sport will be on life support soon
This is my last straw with Fisch. If we can't bash the kids what are we even doing here? #FireFisch
We? want volunteers not hostages.
not for long. When the schools are running this NIL shit, these kids will have prorated paybacks on these dollars. Less one year hired mercenaries.
Fuck the kids.
Put them on revenue sharing contracts with the school straight out of HS. Minimum 2 year deals but schools could expand to 4 if they want. Schollie is guaranteed for 4 years as long as you're on the team.
1 transfer allowed and only after min 2 years with a school.
It kind of feels that way
Thanks Taft!
DRFS trigger warning for anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet!
Not enough nachos
Genuinely curious how DRFS makes money. And he travels to road games, etc.
A hobby for him? No way an SI college site is paying the bills.
Kidz should sit out a year if they want to transfer, with the preservation of that year of eligibility.
Unless the coach leaves, then they can be immediately eligible after transferring.
This would solve a ton of problems.
I'm fully onboard for you have to sit out a year if you're transferring to a program on the program your leaving's tier. You want playing time, that's fine, either sit out a year of drop down a conference.
UW Football clearly has a payment system in place where getting any kind of significant money requires metrics being met such as years in the program, on field performance, academic and NIL participation goals met, etc.
And it is obviously not necessarily like that at other programs.
So the only "bad blood" even privately is a guy like House that as a true freshman that was great in some cases and got road graded in other cases and lacks size against the run, and wants Junior/Starter money right now because he has some turnovers, it's not even an emotional thing. It's just a simple No, not our policy, have fun 'being a pro' at NC.