Anyone know what Mr. Nose Candy is stammering on about? What was the vote for? A link would have been nice.
Its easy to mock with zero context. It seems to be the lefts favorite way of communicating and accusing. Nazi, homophobic, racist, misogynist, blah blah blah.
The whole Cold War doctrine of isolate Russia with trade and sanctions worked until the uniparty sold out to China and made them relevant. We want to be on the 2 vs 1 side. It’s okay to make alliances of necessity, we’ve done it before. That isn’t sucking Putin’s cock. It’s more of a 69, win win.
When you are trying to negotiate a end to the war... the last thing you want to do is piss off the Russians by voting yes...
Exactly. What’s gonna be funny is when Europe wants a piece of the minerals action. Calling that one now.
Trump is right that nothing will incentivize the US more to ensure the peace than having a piece of the action in the mining action.
We? can’t have peace, or nice things.
We must fight on to show Putin or something.
Bucky computer genius can't manage to post a link. You just post from the men's room at the park when it's slow don't you?
This is the future Stalin wants. @DerekJohnson start the Russian lessons. Как по-английски будет слово «коммунист»?
Anyone know what Mr. Nose Candy is stammering on about? What was the vote for? A link would have been nice.
Its easy to mock with zero context. It seems to be the lefts favorite way of communicating and accusing. Nazi, homophobic, racist, misogynist, blah blah blah.
To condemn Russia on the Ukraine war...
The media keeps trying to get Trump to condemn Putin as a dictator and then screaming gotcha because he won't...while he's negotiating a peace deal.
These fucking people man.
The only purpose of the UN is for weak countries and Muslim countries to try to get more power over the US.
It should be (and is) completely ignored.
Reagan met with Gorby and the media fawned all over - Gorby. A Gorbasm as Rush put it
But those meets expedited the fall of the wall as Gorby realized he was fucked
Trump is explaining similar thoughts to both Putin and the little faggot
Because Trump is trying to lessen the partnership forged between Xi and Putin in the past four years.
You’re gonna have to dumb this down for Buck.
I don't know if that's possible
The whole Cold War doctrine of isolate Russia with trade and sanctions worked until the uniparty sold out to China and made them relevant. We want to be on the 2 vs 1 side. It’s okay to make alliances of necessity, we’ve done it before. That isn’t sucking Putin’s cock. It’s more of a 69, win win.