I’m fine paying teachers, provided they are good and evaluated. Not ok paying an army of admins. There are something like 11m education employees nationwide and over half are admins. The admins are required in many cases because of regulation from DoE.
You're getting hysterical now. Perhaps if that teacher not only reaches the 200K plateau (which was the absolute highest example, not the mean or median) but also lives to be 140.
There's a lot of shit to bitch about. Bitching that teachers don't work enough is one of the dumbest things I've ever read here. Middle school teachers especially as others have said. The amount of shit they put up with would put most of you in a rubber room.
@Goduckies you can fuck off my posts all you want, you're still not cool enough to join the club.
But hey, you got off a half hour ago and have the whole afternoon to decompress and vent over 12yo Braden talking back to you during social studies🤷♂️
Teaching is a very important job. We want good educators who are paid fairly…preferably merit-based. Currently our public schools are failing miserably, so something has to change. I’ve never advocated for lower salaries for teachers but what I am saying is that y’all aren’t exactly living in poverty. I’d like to see a higher % of my tax dollars flow to you and your students and less toward administrators.
That’s all. Again…it’s important work, but let’s not pretend that it’s 80hrs a week on an Oil Derrick for minimum wage.
Ramsey specifically uses the example of teachers becoming millionaires to illustrate that you don't have to have a high income to become a millionaire. Undercuts your argument, actually.
My FBI file must be really thick,
I’m fine paying teachers, provided they are good and evaluated. Not ok paying an army of admins. There are something like 11m education employees nationwide and over half are admins. The admins are required in many cases because of regulation from DoE.
You're getting hysterical now. Perhaps if that teacher not only reaches the 200K plateau (which was the absolute highest example, not the mean or median) but also lives to be 140.
"The near doubling of chronic absenteeism since 2018 isn't a problem", declared pawz.
Bad with money.
I was told that teachers didn’t get into it for the money but for the love of the children.
And free summers👍
"Disavowing the free market," says the MBA.
I guess if you're retarded, you might see a conflict between enjoying your job and expecting to be paid.
This is like 8yo rolling around on a mat level mental gymnastics.
Do better.
Then you would know why your post is retarded.
There's a lot of shit to bitch about. Bitching that teachers don't work enough is one of the dumbest things I've ever read here. Middle school teachers especially as others have said. The amount of shit they put up with would put most of you in a rubber room.
@Goduckies you can fuck off my posts all you want, you're still not cool enough to join the club.
I never said they don’t work enough.
I said that 112k a year plus benefits and pension is P good for getting summers off.
Your homeroom kids being extra salty today or what?
"No one teaching K-8 is working THAT hard."
go do it for a day then, shit for brains.
Those that can't do, teach
Teacher's retire at either the highest or second highest rate as millionaires. Dave Ramsey talks about it all the time.
These are people that work 9/12 and retire ~55 on average. These are also generally people that can't pass algebra 2.
I'm fine with it, I pay my kids Teacher's at private really well because I want them to get a good education.
Let's put to bed that Teacher's are some lower class roughneck's downtrodden by society.
110% behind slashing administration in education.
I stand by my statement. I’m sorry you got mad.
But hey, you got off a half hour ago and have the whole afternoon to decompress and vent over 12yo Braden talking back to you during social studies🤷♂️
Teaching is a very important job. We want good educators who are paid fairly…preferably merit-based. Currently our public schools are failing miserably, so something has to change. I’ve never advocated for lower salaries for teachers but what I am saying is that y’all aren’t exactly living in poverty. I’d like to see a higher % of my tax dollars flow to you and your students and less toward administrators.
That’s all. Again…it’s important work, but let’s not pretend that it’s 80hrs a week on an Oil Derrick for minimum wage.
Ramsey specifically uses the example of teachers becoming millionaires to illustrate that you don't have to have a high income to become a millionaire. Undercuts your argument, actually.
Laughed as there are 2 Braden’s and 3 Hudson’s in my daughter class. Also two Chloe’s and two Sophie’s.
Says a lefty dingbat that thinks cops get paid too much for what they do.
Citation needed