The amount of bullshit my wife deals with on a daily basis makes her salary worth it. Also the salaries are public information so any of us can view them at any time. Last thing I’ll add is they can all elect to take their salary from day one to day 180 and not get paid during the summer off but almost all elect for the twelve month salary schedule. I think we’ve only known of one person who elected to be paid out only while working the school year so they could work a summer job doing something abroad if I remember right. So technically their salary is based off of a 180 day work schedule if that makes sense
Cost of living in King County outside of 🐴 fucker Enumclaw and places like that is insane so it doesn't seem super outrageous. I am pretty sure those elementary teachers make as much as a principal in Tucson.
My late uncle was a superintendent of a small district in Montana. He quit mainly because of a hole parents.
My point is that to hear the union side of things you’d think the avg teachers salary was like 50k
The reality is that even before those govt bennies your avg teacher In King Co makes 2X the average. That isn’t exactly poverty.
I’m not advocating paying teachers less. The real problem remains at the middle and senior admin level. No goddamn way the SI for chehalis public schools should be making over half a mil. GMAFB
My takeaway is that teachers do t necessarily need a big raise but admin needs a big cut and our property taxes need to be lower. Math is math.
A teacher who starts at 23 and works for 25 years can retire at roughly 50 making $200,000 plus gold plated benefits for the rest of their lives. So if they live to the age of 80, they will have been paid $7,500,000. Do you have any clue what it would take someone in the private sector to do that via a 401k? This is extremely rare but very common for the government employee.
I have a good number of school teacher friends. They bitch, then spend every school holiday, and summer travelling their little hearts out. But you know, they work, like at nights sometime.
I taught my kids during Covid for almost two years. I’m not qualified. Teachers are the shit, and as someone said, junior high teachers are probably up for sainthood. It’s the layers and layers of positions between teachers and principles and principles and superintendents that needs to be looked into. Drop those non-teaching “educators” back into classrooms and you’re fixing the teacher shortage. You really want to trim fat? Cut deep into the state colleges. My goodness, that’s a mess.
My neighbors are retired, fixed retirement income, never made more the 60k in their entire career salt of the earth folks. They had a niece, a teacher, and sister in law who works in admin at UW, reach out for assistance for school supplies. I looked up their salaries, explained that both the sister in law and niece both make over 100k a year, and they quickly decided to decline providing assistance.
Teachers are supposed to be hot and marry successful dudes
Since guys aren’t allowed in the profession anyway the money is kinda secondary
avg comp package 147k with a fully funded pension
Pretty good for working 9/12 months
The amount of bullshit my wife deals with on a daily basis makes her salary worth it. Also the salaries are public information so any of us can view them at any time. Last thing I’ll add is they can all elect to take their salary from day one to day 180 and not get paid during the summer off but almost all elect for the twelve month salary schedule. I think we’ve only known of one person who elected to be paid out only while working the school year so they could work a summer job doing something abroad if I remember right. So technically their salary is based off of a 180 day work schedule if that makes sense
Cost of living in King County outside of 🐴 fucker Enumclaw and places like that is insane so it doesn't seem super outrageous. I am pretty sure those elementary teachers make as much as a principal in Tucson.
My late uncle was a superintendent of a small district in Montana. He quit mainly because of a hole parents.
My point is that to hear the union side of things you’d think the avg teachers salary was like 50k
The reality is that even before those govt bennies your avg teacher In King Co makes 2X the average. That isn’t exactly poverty.
I’m not advocating paying teachers less. The real problem remains at the middle and senior admin level. No goddamn way the SI for chehalis public schools should be making over half a mil. GMAFB
My takeaway is that teachers do t necessarily need a big raise but admin needs a big cut and our property taxes need to be lower. Math is math.
A teacher who starts at 23 and works for 25 years can retire at roughly 50 making $200,000 plus gold plated benefits for the rest of their lives. So if they live to the age of 80, they will have been paid $7,500,000. Do you have any clue what it would take someone in the private sector to do that via a 401k? This is extremely rare but very common for the government employee.
That's the average. Now do the average at the age of retirement.
I have a good number of school teacher friends. They bitch, then spend every school holiday, and summer travelling their little hearts out. But you know, they work, like at nights sometime.
lol exactly
My kids go to school at 800 and are done at 2:30(12:30 on Wednesday!)
neither of them ever have homework. All lessons are completed in class. This is elementary and middle school.
No one teaching K-8 is working THAT hard.
if you think they don’t work that hard, you don’t know any K-8 teachers.
I know 3 actually
Won't someone think about the children? Like how come these "gods" of the classroom are passing though Johnny who can't read?
Spend more money get less results.
Schools need to support the classroom, kick out the miscreants and slash the fat in administration
But there is probably nothing that can be done
A vote for republicans is a vote to genocide teachers and students I’m told.
They just need more money and then they can overtake Bahrain for 39th in the world in math competency .
One really simple, low-cost fix would be to actually impose consequences for chronic absenteeism. Can't teach kids who aren't in school.
The current generation of parents may be the worst ever on this issue.
Passing the buck after a challenge to a fair point.
Whoever didn’t see that coming should blame a teacher.
I taught my kids during Covid for almost two years. I’m not qualified. Teachers are the shit, and as someone said, junior high teachers are probably up for sainthood. It’s the layers and layers of positions between teachers and principles and principles and superintendents that needs to be looked into. Drop those non-teaching “educators” back into classrooms and you’re fixing the teacher shortage. You really want to trim fat? Cut deep into the state colleges. My goodness, that’s a mess.
When the FBI investigates parents who want to get involved it is a bit of a chilling effect
Schools are actively hostile to parents
And parents are shitty. Both can be true
My neighbors are retired, fixed retirement income, never made more the 60k in their entire career salt of the earth folks. They had a niece, a teacher, and sister in law who works in admin at UW, reach out for assistance for school supplies. I looked up their salaries, explained that both the sister in law and niece both make over 100k a year, and they quickly decided to decline providing assistance.
Begs the question. Why are teachers either digging into their own pockets or bothering the neighbors for help with school supplies?