Communist sympathizers and media shriek in outrage over a politician exposing them. Made McCarthy the “fascist” in the public sphere when he was correct on many things.
No elections, bans/(allegedly) kills political opponents, now censors free speech, but really guys, Zelensky is a good guy in the Simoleton’s world of good/evil. It is possible that both Putin and Z are shitheads, Dems.
I wish I could remember where I saw it -might have been a Gonzalo Lira post- but essentially Zelensky was a moderately successful actor suddenly cast in a TV series called Servant of the People where he played the President. That show was produced by a billionaire Ukraine oligarch. The show enjoyed great success and was heavily promoted.
Fast forward to 2019, where Zelensky who had zero political background or commentary until he was cast in the TV show, suddenly runs for President of Ukraine as the candidate of the a political party founded in 2017 named, you guessed it, Servant of the People.
He's an actor playing a part and being well-compensated for it. The monied elites are pulling his strings.
How many dead Ukrainians? How much economic damage to Ukraine? So far I'm still getting, "However much it costs and for as long as it takes". Never sure what "it" is. And how do we buy a bunch of new military equipment for free? If I was a cynic I'd say that was part of the whole deal with the MIC running the show with the neocons.
Yeah. Somewhere in the middle of this thread, the argument was made that Ukraine wants to fight and we should help them do that.
Said it then, but how exactly do we know they want to fight? Or ever wanted to.
When they aren't drafting 18-25 year old Ukrainian males but want NATO troops to do the fighting that is sort of a tell.
Interesting thread. New respect for FDR on the HR 1776. A Trump move
FDR also cancelled to lend lease money with Stalin and gave Stalin Europe. FDR was a bottom and a top on this topic.
McCarthy wasn't wrong about the State Department or FDR
Communist sympathizers and media shriek in outrage over a politician exposing them. Made McCarthy the “fascist” in the public sphere when he was correct on many things.
Kind of sounds familiar.
Gonzalo Lira was the first over the target (besides the Tug)
Go to gonzalolira68 on X. The whole fraud was exposed.
No elections, bans/(allegedly) kills political opponents, now censors free speech, but really guys, Zelensky is a good guy in the Simoleton’s world of good/evil. It is possible that both Putin and Z are shitheads, Dems.
Interview about Zelensky’s Ukraine.
I wish I could remember where I saw it -might have been a Gonzalo Lira post- but essentially Zelensky was a moderately successful actor suddenly cast in a TV series called Servant of the People where he played the President. That show was produced by a billionaire Ukraine oligarch. The show enjoyed great success and was heavily promoted.
Fast forward to 2019, where Zelensky who had zero political background or commentary until he was cast in the TV show, suddenly runs for President of Ukraine as the candidate of the a political party founded in 2017 named, you guessed it, Servant of the People.
He's an actor playing a part and being well-compensated for it. The monied elites are pulling his strings.
Rough numbers (from Trump)
$350B spent
$100-125B back in US defense sales (not including indirect sales like Poland beefing up)
$250B to destroy the effective military of the 2nd most powerful military in the world without any military casualties.
For context
Annual budget of the Pentagon $842B
Afghanistan ~$110B per year $2.3Trillion total
Plus the US essentially will overhaul it's stockpiles for free.
We? won despite everyone's best efforts not to.
How many dead Ukrainians? How much economic damage to Ukraine? So far I'm still getting, "However much it costs and for as long as it takes". Never sure what "it" is. And how do we buy a bunch of new military equipment for free? If I was a cynic I'd say that was part of the whole deal with the MIC running the show with the neocons.
We left 85B in weapons, planes, choppers, night vision, tanks, APC, Hummers etc. etc. etc.
The Little Dictator of Ukraine is also a liar? Shocking!
Zelensky fucked around
Now he finds out
I've heard in this very thread the Ukranians are Nazis. Seems like a win win from the American perspective.
BidenBros cheer this shit!