The dazzler was all in on the chicom crud mandates including the free speech suppression. Instinctually authoritarian. Which ever way the his herd is moving gives him all the security he craves. Think of all the lies he eagerly swallowed and then regurgitated.
Rats here would actually like to see this kind of policing. Hell, they wanted to throw those who disagreed with man made global warming in jail. Same with the lefts use of covid to control the country. They wanted to throw people in jail and actually shut down free speech.
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Come on now. These people are free to say whatever their governments approve of them saying.
Drumpf is Hitler!
"I'm not a policeman. I'm a nurse".
What in the actual fuck?!?!
England has fallen.
The Brits are owned by the NWO, WEF and Islam. They are not the Brits we knew.
I'll never vote for Charles again.
But you vote for the same here
The dazzler was all in on the chicom crud mandates including the free speech suppression. Instinctually authoritarian. Which ever way the his herd is moving gives him all the security he craves. Think of all the lies he eagerly swallowed and then regurgitated.
You've perfected unfunny sarcasm
This is difficult to comprehend
Rats here would actually like to see this kind of policing. Hell, they wanted to throw those who disagreed with man made global warming in jail. Same with the lefts use of covid to control the country. They wanted to throw people in jail and actually shut down free speech.