of course I can. Anti-semtism on any side disgusts me. And it does happen on both, which is true throughout history. I don’t need to make that point to prove anything to you though. This board just likes to finger point and play the blame game to score imaginary points.
of course I can. Anti-semtism on any side disgusts me. And it does happen on both, which is true throughout history. I don’t need to make that point to prove anything to you though. This board just likes to finger point and play the blame game to score imaginary points.
Left-wingers attacking Jews on campus isn’t “imaginary,” Bitterman. Look up the arrests of the people in the article I posted.
Your party actively works to remove Netanyahu from power solely because he is too pro-Israeli for you anti-Semites.
These aren’t imaginary points. Your side is everything you accuse Trump voters of being.
I don't know any anti-semite conservatives. Seems strange that if they were prevalent on the right I should be seeing lots of Jew hate in the blogs I read. It isn't hard to find the Jew hatred on the left starting with barry's old pastor and barry, Samantha Power and USAID, Columbia University, PSU, and a pile of other so-called insitutions of lower education and bunch of dem congressman.
Yeah, who would blame barry for releasing over a $100 billion to Iran and then having Iran fund the Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah. The old Tug leftards either too stupid to realize what is going on or they just lie or in most cases they double up on stupid and lying.
Anyone else find it ridiculously funny that the rats on here support with their money and votes a party that openly elects Jew hating congressmen?
The sophomoric attempts by these classless and amoral asshole Jew haters to deflect is so bizarre to read. Again, they belong to the party that elects Jew haters to positions of authority. They send their Jew hating children to liberal Jew hating campuses and then look the other way when their little angels beat up and protest Jewish student and cheer the destruction of Israel.
hh, fc, ern, buck, mello, they are all disgustingly inhumane assholes. If ever there was a party of hatred, it is the rat party. It is ingrained in their party for a couple centuries. The party of the kkk, jim crow. Its a horrible history and they are still exhibiting that behavior today.
of course I can. Anti-semtism on any side disgusts me. And it does happen on both, which is true throughout history. I don’t need to make that point to prove anything to you though. This board just likes to finger point and play the blame game to score imaginary points.
of course I can. Anti-semtism on any side disgusts me. And it does happen on both, which is true throughout history. I don’t need to make that point to prove anything to you though. This board just likes to finger point and play the blame game to score imaginary points.
Left-wingers attacking Jews on campus isn’t “imaginary,” Bitterman. Look up the arrests of the people in the article I posted.
Your party actively works to remove Netanyahu from power solely because he is too pro-Israeli for you anti-Semites.
These aren’t imaginary points. Your side is everything you accuse Trump voters of being.
I don't know any anti-semite conservatives. Seems strange that if they were prevalent on the right I should be seeing lots of Jew hate in the blogs I read. It isn't hard to find the Jew hatred on the left starting with barry's old pastor and barry, Samantha Power and USAID, Columbia University, PSU, and a pile of other so-called insitutions of lower education and bunch of dem congressman.
lol ah yes, the old Tug go-to when all else fails: must be Obama’s fault somehow.
Yeah, who would blame barry for releasing over a $100 billion to Iran and then having Iran fund the Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah. The old Tug leftards either too stupid to realize what is going on or they just lie or in most cases they double up on stupid and lying.
Anyone else find it ridiculously funny that the rats on here support with their money and votes a party that openly elects Jew hating congressmen?
The sophomoric attempts by these classless and amoral asshole Jew haters to deflect is so bizarre to read. Again, they belong to the party that elects Jew haters to positions of authority. They send their Jew hating children to liberal Jew hating campuses and then look the other way when their little angels beat up and protest Jewish student and cheer the destruction of Israel.
hh, fc, ern, buck, mello, they are all disgustingly inhumane assholes. If ever there was a party of hatred, it is the rat party. It is ingrained in their party for a couple centuries. The party of the kkk, jim crow. Its a horrible history and they are still exhibiting that behavior today.
Carter voter has “thoughts”.
Certainly a novel concept to you.
Ouch, you shredded me. Great comeback.