Consider this as an example. USAIDS sends XYZ International Food Fund $100,000,000 monthly for Bumfuckistan. $90,000,000 gets taken off the top for 'administrative expenses'.
Food actually purchased = $10,000,000.
Is it a good investment to continue to send $100,000,000 monthly or, perhaps, fire all the grifters, build different relationships in BumFuckistan and send them $50,000,000 per month instead?
My guess is the people in Bumfuckistan would be happier with option 2.
50% annual reduction to the US taxpayer. Five times more food to the Bumfuckistanians.
Sure Jan
Imagine that, msn found an Evangelical who is worried. Wonder how long that took them. At least 3 weeks that we know of.
I guess the Episcopalian priest was busy
She’s busy cashing her USAID checks and is arguably the catalyst for this deep dive into the agency.
She sure pwned Drumpf though it was awesome. Right to his FACE!
H used to be against religious organizations getting our tax dollars.
Nothing Jesus could have done.
Consider this as an example. USAIDS sends XYZ International Food Fund $100,000,000 monthly for Bumfuckistan. $90,000,000 gets taken off the top for 'administrative expenses'.
Food actually purchased = $10,000,000.
Is it a good investment to continue to send $100,000,000 monthly or, perhaps, fire all the grifters, build different relationships in BumFuckistan and send them $50,000,000 per month instead?
My guess is the people in Bumfuckistan would be happier with option 2.
50% annual reduction to the US taxpayer. Five times more food to the Bumfuckistanians.
Bill Gates whining about losing $25 million of taxpayer money for his NGOs kind of says it all.
Gosh I hope their feelings are ok.
”They deserve it,” replied the likable gal.
Now the atheist Left likes Christianity taking tax dollars.
Moronic H at it again.
“But the people who got fired for not taking the Clot Shot had a choice!”
Funny how I’m agnostic yet don’t want my tax dollars enriching grifting “pastors.” Fund your own cults.
Suddenly H is a Jesus expert.
You’re lost in your own previous arguments, H. You can’t remember them, but you are.
Imagine thinking Christians are bad at social services.
Didn't say that, did I?
Dumb as a rock.
Churches don't need tax dollars. Those belong to Caesar
Jesus said so
Evangelicals are freaks and weirdos, but they don't have power like the woke fags have had the last several years.
It’s not a church. You’re really this ignorant? Sorry, that was a rhetorical question.
You think I read your links?
Imagine thinking I was talking about church
They let Christians do all sorts of things these days. Even forming NGOs is allowed now. Much more liberal than first century Rome.