They'vehad that for years. Evidently they have grinder control in bruising. In America the screwdriver was the most popular stabbing instrument but I haven't seen data on it in years.It may have changed.
OG or Muslim radicals. Our US feminists think that importing radical Muslim males into the US is promoting women, somehow. Sort of the same with Gays for Gaza.
Sporks are next. Followed by metal straws.
A sharpened metal straw stabbed into the jugular is a Widowmaker.
I bet the Greenies hadn’t thought of that!
They'vehad that for years. Evidently they have grinder control in bruising. In America the screwdriver was the most popular stabbing instrument but I haven't seen data on it in years.It may have changed.
They used a tent stake and a mallet through the temple in the Old Testament
Killers gonna kill. Stop the killers
OG murderers used stones. Going to need to ban all rocks and minerals.
OG or Muslim radicals. Our US feminists think that importing radical Muslim males into the US is promoting women, somehow. Sort of the same with Gays for Gaza.
In the no go zones they have machetes, which are illegal.
The Problem is white people with kitchen knives though.
Because they might resist the imposition of Sharia law and Socialism.