Watching the rat leadership whine about Trump cutting the fat in Washington. How inhumane he is for firing people and making deals to get people to quit. He's the devil I tell you!
No word from dem leadership or the press about the 1000's of police officers and support staff who were summarily fired when democrats defunded. The 1000's of people who lost their jobs in power plants, pipelines, fire departments.
The hypocrisy, lying and overwhelming dishonesty by the left is breathtaking to watch. They have no morals or scruples at all.
It's not broke so the democrats definitely don't want to fix it
It’ll take a generation to win back men at this rate. A complete purge and shift it’d have to be
or the next election - memory is not strong in America
It’s not working guys so let’s do the same thing harder.
These people cannot be helped.
You are making a mistake if you think things will change with democrats. They don't learn from their mistakes, they double down. When an individual (stupidly) believes they are smarter than everyone else because they received blue ribbons for participating, had coddling parents who told their little liberal angels how brilliant they were and colleges who teach those kids to hate Jews and stress how evil anyone who doesn't think like a liberal is, one election does not turn the ship around.
How many times over the last two months have we heard rat talking heads claim that it isn't their policies, its how they crafted their message. They honestly believe that more taxes, government, bad policies, the weaponization of the Fed, more racism and sexism, open borders, globalization, etc. are sellable to the American people if they just lie better.
Someone said it best on here last week when they stated that after all the fuck ups in Los Angeles, billions lost, people dead and homeless, they will just vote for different democrats in this next election.
Last but not least, why would any sane adult give democrats power over the people when they have said out loud they think half of this country is stupid, garbage, deplorable, uneducated, etc?