Adults in charge. Maybe Inslee can let some of that 50 cents a gallon he stole for green nothing be used for you know, roads and shit. Revenue is up 10 billion over ten years and they just need more. In case of a fire or something
You know if people keep using EVs they are going to have to tax the shit out of them. Its what democrats do
Already done in VA. First thing the Dems did when they finally got control of the State Legislature was put a special tax on hybrids and EVs for NOT buying gas and paying the tax that way. Imagine that. Preach at everyone to go EV to save the planet and use "look at all the gas money you will save" as a plus to buying, only to turn around and tax you for doing it.
Would be curious how much WA State has spent on their DEI budget. My guess is that would make a nice dent in the infrastructure deficit.
Or King County that has a few full time people at $150k that help the homeless access the library.
They do that here in Washington as well. You ever see how much tabs for a Tesla cost? It’s incredible, almost $1000, I pay almost $200 for my 19yo hybrid POS, my wife pays $60 for her ICE POS. They’ll fuck you any way they can and then claim poverty.
Raising taxes on every household’s energy bills even higher will be done in WA state by the end of the year.
EV owners are a protected class. Singling them out for their extra-heavy vehicles ripping up roads isn’t fair.
PSE went along with Inslee on everything because PSE is the mechanism to enforce non fascist energy policy like banning natural gas
They get to charge more for gas to discourage it and then more for electricity when there isn't enough
Is there a definition of government controlling an industry?
To be fair, PSE probably didn’t need much prodding to spend recklessly on bullshit, raise prices and control consumers.
Probably true. But the fact remains that PSE can only do what the regulators approve. And they approve limiting cheap fossil fuel electricity and mandating expensive "green energy" along with super expensive transmission expansion and upgrades to support getting "renewable energy" from nowhere to somewhere.
The Marriage of state and industry we get to liberal utopia.