Clear as mud. You vote for this sh*t. Just like the dazzler. You are always free to express your policy preferences, you just never do. Buck and Ern, poster boys for the teacher unions and open borders.
Vote for what? For for Obama who lead everyone in deportations? It would appear to me you voted for this shit because deportations dropped off after Obama left.
Been through this before. What immigration policies of barry's did the dementia patient not use to keep the US border secure? The big lie that barry had a more secure border than Trump is just a lie. Dems ran on their secure border lie and lost on that issue in November. Team Dazzler and buck are still insisting it is just a "messaging" issue and the border was and their immigration policies were great for the country. Blue state and city sanctuary status virtue signaling went tits up when the military age third world males started showing up and raping and looting their way into the public consciousness.
I think we should monitor our officials for war crimes and hold them accountable!!!
Defending rapists and murderers
Who said I was defending anything? I’m all for removing criminals from the US.
I think we’re all watching for overreach in which yes….I would like to hold any official accountable
I said you are
Because you are
I’ll be watching for under reach.
As usual with no evidence to back up your statement.
I think my position is clear gentlemen.
Clear as mud. You vote for this sh*t. Just like the dazzler. You are always free to express your policy preferences, you just never do. Buck and Ern, poster boys for the teacher unions and open borders.
Vote for what? For for Obama who lead everyone in deportations? It would appear to me you voted for this shit because deportations dropped off after Obama left.
Damn bro you kinda dumb.
Been through this before. What immigration policies of barry's did the dementia patient not use to keep the US border secure? The big lie that barry had a more secure border than Trump is just a lie. Dems ran on their secure border lie and lost on that issue in November. Team Dazzler and buck are still insisting it is just a "messaging" issue and the border was and their immigration policies were great for the country. Blue state and city sanctuary status virtue signaling went tits up when the military age third world males started showing up and raping and looting their way into the public consciousness.
I voted for the guy that has caused these illegal criminal aliens to begin self deporting! That's my guy!
Good, she's corrupt anyway. Napolitano at least had a brain.