Current 15m chart
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Don't be the one left breathing the rug dust. I was out at $32.
$70 and cookin with Crisco. $14b market cap. Outstanding work by the Trump team.
The 5 minute chart is more fun than the 15
This shit is as sad as it gets.
A fascist is grifting the townsfolk to the tune of tens of billions of dollars in a day. He grifted with DJT (still is) and many other ventures, but the scale of this is out of control. Trump is spunking on your face and cackling while you guzzle it willingly. This is unbelievable stuff.
Current FDV - $72 billion
A very stable genius.
Gah, I got out too early. Always easy to say in hindsight though. I locked in some gains and I think I'm at peace with it.