In my opinion …
Feces is NOT a genetic disease, but a metabolic one.
Influencing metabolic function positively is why the Onco I see is so busy you can’t get in. Just can’t. All Stage IV. And people are surviving and performing better the NCI model of nuking everything.
Tom Seyfried will prove to be a luminary.
(2 min)
This explains a lot.
Mixing fragrances with this round of chemo was nothing short of a disaster. It caused me to be violently ill about 3 weeks ago. Then bed-ridden for all of a week.
If for some reason you might have to take chemo, do NOT burn any scented candles. Do NOT make the mistake I did.
Good luck.
@EsophagealFeces your silence speaks volumes
I’m still trying to figure out what feces means in this context 😂
Cancer is shit.
I’m a bit hurt that I’m being used as a synonym for cancer.
It my fault.
I refuse to use the C word.
And it’s Feces.
Pure Feces.
That’s fair. I’ll take one for the team.
Only at Hardcore Husky can you get from Azeem's dad to cancer in just a few steps.
I can’t decide if I’m moving up or down in the world, but free pub is free pub.
Who here has felt a tingle from the MAHA group pic, and been spurred into some sort of action because of it?
This is a safe space and it's healthy.
Man, @pawz I didn't realize you were going through chemo too. Whatever bullshit I've expressed towards you, that's all bullshit. You and @AtomicPiss have all my votes right now. This is gonna sound stupid but I know how you guys are likely dealing with this stuff internally, trying to put on a strong face, trying to act normal, etc. That's completely normal, and that's great. I know how you guys are and I'd be doing the same thing. We're men, right? Steadfast and strong.
Don't be a hero. Normalcy is therapy but it isn't the only part of it. This is a real thing and there's zero shame in sharing anything and everything about your fears, worries, concerns, etc here, or in a DM to me at any time. That's genuine.
I don't care if this sounds weird and awkward, but if you need to vent, bullshit, rage, whatever, just fucking do it. If you don't want to do it in public, DM me. If you don't want to DM me, DM someone else. I'm sure you have IRL friends too. I'm just saying…. Get it out. It's essential.
Much love @pawz @AtomicPiss
Paging Dr.PhilDawg.