MAGA Twitter brain likes to think that people are blaming this solely on climate change. It's not the case, but ignore it at your peril. And nobody is blaming it on Trump, despite your wishes.
Rational minds understand that there's 101 root causes. Everything in this pic and 95 more. We have contributions from everywhere, lad. A little this, a little that.
Disasters are an inherently chaotic mess that nobody can fully practice or prepare for, yet everyone becomes an expert on in hindsight. Social media is giving voice to narratives that are straight up false and/or disproportionate with reality. This Tug is a shining example.
Shit, there's video of firemen hooked up to max pressure hydrants in the Palisades where the water is jetting out of the hoses and blowing backwards in their face. Useless in 100 mph winds. Water drops were useless for the same reason, if they could even get aircraft in the air. I'm hearing more water pressure in the upper Palisades neighborhoods would have helped. Laughable, mon. It was a 100mph tinderbox with packed homes without buffers. Even the neighborhoods with max pressure were leveled. It wouldn't have mattered.
The Eaton fire hasn't got a peep here. Why?
The So. Cal fire response is one of the best in the world and it proved meaningless in these situations. Mother Nature is a fucking beast and humans are often no match, believe it or not.
Raking the forest, controlled chapparal burns, sound fire-proofing, "forest management", etc all sound great in theory until you actually understand the scale of what you're proposing, who often puts the kibosh on such things, and who hasn't done shit to fireproof their property out of ignorance. Hint: many of those people just had their houses burned to a crisp. Individual responsibility is underrated. Every man for himself until shit happens, then its the governments fault, right? FOH with that shit. Both sides of the mouthisms.
Of course there's some governmental and administrative things that woulda coulda shoulda helped a bit more, maybe, but sometimes you have to accept that shit happens in disasters, this was a brakeless train, and learn from it. Wildfire risk is increasing substantially for a variety of reasons, especially from how and where people are building their homes, without buffers. This is a hugely needed wakeup call for everyone from individuals to the highest powers. Bout time people get with the times.
Donate, support, and start giving some respect to what HAS been prevented, rather than what hasn't. You'd be amazed if that's what you chose to pay attention to. It's a metric fuck load.
Lose the politics and ignorant blame game. It's disgusting. Adjust your frame of thinking, learn, educate, and be better, please and thank you.
They're all the same in the sense that they are spitting hot fire, yes. MAGA Twitter and the Tug love the Palisades Fire though. No respect for Eaton. No respect for the working man's fire. Nothing to say about the water pressure there.
MAGA Twitter brain likes to think that people are blaming this solely on climate change
The So. Cal fire response is one of the best in the world and it proved meaningless in these situations. Mother Nature is a fucking beast and humans are often no match, believe it or not.
This Chode whines of “MAGA Twitter” and Climate Change™️ when in reality even the Dems running LA are pointing fingers at each other for empty reservoirs, lack of forest management, fire hydrants that don’t fucking work, budget cuts, mayor in Ghana, etc. etc. Acting like nothing could be done for planning, and even labeling the response a success, shows you’re a delusional young man. Don’t you somewhat work outdoors? How can you possibly not know about clearing underbrush and removing dead/diseased trees? Mind-boggling those things escaped your learnings.
There is no large-scale thing as man-caused Climate Change™️, at least to the extent you feel an SUV, or a cow farting, is contributing to it. It’s a scam and you’re falling for it. No evidence supports it outside of doctored hockey stick graphs by Michael Mann and billions of taxpayer dollars soaked up by “scientists” to get government the results they want.
As for the LA response, many affected citizens, including Bass/Newsom voters, are upset about the lack of planning and failed response, yet this fool Ern lectures everyone, politicizes it, and outrageously spikes the football on what he feels is a job well done. Take it up with them. Tell them about this amazing response and planning. Why waste your wisdom on The Tug?
Just shut the fuck up, Ern. Your trolling game is lame, and the bullshit you post when you’re trying to be serious is ridiculous. That you posted all that garbage and actually believe it is kind of sad, really. Your indoctrination worked, which to me means you are weak-minded and a follower.
Doog Bot first and right.
Coordinated attack. Lots of reports of illegal alien gangs looting.
Q: How come this shit never happens in red states?
A: Chitty chitty bang bang, motherfuckers.
rooftop Texans are tanned rested and ready
It looks like more Climate Change™️ to me.
MAGA Twitter brain likes to think that people are blaming this solely on climate change. It's not the case, but ignore it at your peril. And nobody is blaming it on Trump, despite your wishes.
Rational minds understand that there's 101 root causes. Everything in this pic and 95 more. We have contributions from everywhere, lad. A little this, a little that.
Disasters are an inherently chaotic mess that nobody can fully practice or prepare for, yet everyone becomes an expert on in hindsight. Social media is giving voice to narratives that are straight up false and/or disproportionate with reality. This Tug is a shining example.
Shit, there's video of firemen hooked up to max pressure hydrants in the Palisades where the water is jetting out of the hoses and blowing backwards in their face. Useless in 100 mph winds. Water drops were useless for the same reason, if they could even get aircraft in the air. I'm hearing more water pressure in the upper Palisades neighborhoods would have helped. Laughable, mon. It was a 100mph tinderbox with packed homes without buffers. Even the neighborhoods with max pressure were leveled. It wouldn't have mattered.
The Eaton fire hasn't got a peep here. Why?
The So. Cal fire response is one of the best in the world and it proved meaningless in these situations. Mother Nature is a fucking beast and humans are often no match, believe it or not.
Raking the forest, controlled chapparal burns, sound fire-proofing, "forest management", etc all sound great in theory until you actually understand the scale of what you're proposing, who often puts the kibosh on such things, and who hasn't done shit to fireproof their property out of ignorance. Hint: many of those people just had their houses burned to a crisp. Individual responsibility is underrated. Every man for himself until shit happens, then its the governments fault, right? FOH with that shit. Both sides of the mouthisms.
Of course there's some governmental and administrative things that woulda coulda shoulda helped a bit more, maybe, but sometimes you have to accept that shit happens in disasters, this was a brakeless train, and learn from it. Wildfire risk is increasing substantially for a variety of reasons, especially from how and where people are building their homes, without buffers. This is a hugely needed wakeup call for everyone from individuals to the highest powers. Bout time people get with the times.
Donate, support, and start giving some respect to what HAS been prevented, rather than what hasn't. You'd be amazed if that's what you chose to pay attention to. It's a metric fuck load.
Lose the politics and ignorant blame game. It's disgusting. Adjust your frame of thinking, learn, educate, and be better, please and thank you.
99% of the causes are not climate change... yet that's the go to of all the libs
These 10+ fires were caused by people dropping matches on 10+ different sites around the LA basin.
Eaton fire and Palisades fire are the same... all are a freaking mess.... it's like 6 and all have had coverage....
And yes jackwagons I'm sure are lighting others too.
They're all the same in the sense that they are spitting hot fire, yes. MAGA Twitter and the Tug love the Palisades Fire though. No respect for Eaton. No respect for the working man's fire. Nothing to say about the water pressure there.
Just observing.
MAGA Twitter brain likes to think that people are blaming this solely on climate change
The So. Cal fire response is one of the best in the world and it proved meaningless in these situations. Mother Nature is a fucking beast and humans are often no match, believe it or not.
This Chode whines of “MAGA Twitter” and Climate Change™️ when in reality even the Dems running LA are pointing fingers at each other for empty reservoirs, lack of forest management, fire hydrants that don’t fucking work, budget cuts, mayor in Ghana, etc. etc. Acting like nothing could be done for planning, and even labeling the response a success, shows you’re a delusional young man. Don’t you somewhat work outdoors? How can you possibly not know about clearing underbrush and removing dead/diseased trees? Mind-boggling those things escaped your learnings.
There is no large-scale thing as man-caused Climate Change™️, at least to the extent you feel an SUV, or a cow farting, is contributing to it. It’s a scam and you’re falling for it. No evidence supports it outside of doctored hockey stick graphs by Michael Mann and billions of taxpayer dollars soaked up by “scientists” to get government the results they want.
As for the LA response, many affected citizens, including Bass/Newsom voters, are upset about the lack of planning and failed response, yet this fool Ern lectures everyone, politicizes it, and outrageously spikes the football on what he feels is a job well done. Take it up with them. Tell them about this amazing response and planning. Why waste your wisdom on The Tug?
Just shut the fuck up, Ern. Your trolling game is lame, and the bullshit you post when you’re trying to be serious is ridiculous. That you posted all that garbage and actually believe it is kind of sad, really. Your indoctrination worked, which to me means you are weak-minded and a follower.
Ern has identified the problem
Maga twitter
It would be laughable if not so pathetically predictable
Word salad of excuses. Could be anything nothing we can do don't blame the retards in charge and for god's sake don't politicize since it wasn't a GOP
Same folks expect DeSantis to stop a hurricane
Tldr How dare we little people ask questions about all those missing funds. GIVE MOAR.