Thought some of you might find this interesting. We know it will take decades to rebuild so I am real curious what people are going to do.
I received a call from another friend who had his house turned to ash in PP. He and his wife had a rental home there. They just sold their main dwelling, which was just down the street, were living temporarily in the rental home while making plans on what to do in the future. They feel fortunate because most of their stuff was in storage in an undamaged area. They also are relieved that they had already sold their home of 20 years just down the street because it too was turned to ash. Losing both properties would have been devastating.
What are their plans? They are walking away from the property and the mortgage. They are flying to FL this weekend, purchasing a home, and moving out of CA for good. Their original plan was to stay in CA and move to Tahoe, but this event changed that. They are both Hollywood production liberals, but I noticed a tinge of regret in their voices. I told them they couldn't move to FL and vote for the same idiots that they voted for in CA and they swore they wouldn't. We shall see. Liberals don't learn lessons.
Pacific Palisades Fire
Suspect that will be a standard move for many of the affluent affected. Loss of tax base for the People’s Republic of Kalifornia.
BlackRock and other PE vultures will swoop in and buy the property at pennies on the dollar. Same as they did in the Lahaina DEW attack.
Still among the most valuable dirt in America. If one can hold on the values will recover depending in large part on how fast things can be rebuilt so I guess they are fucked
The rebuild is in good hands guys
Is this the bitch that makes over $700,000 a year as a government employee, twice as much as her predecessor?
UN prepaid card. Your tax dollars at work!
Out in the open devil worshiping scum!
Would anyone be surprised if some bum encampment in the hills started this?
More likely than not.
Homeless fires are 99% likely the cause. Getting my bets in on Fanduel as we speak.
Caught this guy red handed
Your tax dollars at work
Moving from fire natural disaster to water natural disaster is chinteresting
Normally I'd make a J? joke here, but it just wouldn't be funny
After seeing 8+ fires pop up across a large region without lightning, and the overtly political response from Trump and the right, would anyone be surprised if…
Hold on, someone's at the door.
Eco terrorism is a leftist staple play. Or deranged homeless or illegals, also leftists.
Yep blame Trump
But don't politicize it
You guys are awesome
Hayduke lives!
Lahaina wasn't a direct energy attack you tard.
All the poors are going to sell for pennies on the dollar while large shell corps move in and buy up the land for development. Same as Hawaii.
Could have been bums, could have also been arson (which it often turns out to be in Cali after blaming climate change).