I doubt that liberals in CA will get the message.
They cut the budget of the Fire Department. Refuse to clear the underbrush, clear mountain roads, forest management. Lack water.
Again, rats like hh, ern, mello, buck…………this is on you and your votes for rat leaders.
Pretty sure it's Trump’s fault
How dare they
As they should
The last major reservoir built in California was New Melones Lake in 1979! 1979 pop. 23.256,880. 2024 pop. 39,431,630. Yet they wonder why they have a water problem…
Brought to you by Demonrats!
The "small government conservatives" are screeching for increased spending again.
You can't make this shit up.
Are you stupid or retarded?
Spending isn't the problem as has been explained numerous times
It is what it is spent on
The dead cat in the alley is more intelligent
Stop sitting on your ass in San Diego acting like a spastic child and go help your “kids” who had to evacuate their homes, you fucking loser.
Jesus H Christ, if what you said is actually true, you’re possibly the biggest piece of shit on the planet.
I’d be worried sick if it were my kids (they’re real) and you’re only a few hours away, yet you’re here doing whatever this is that makes you feel better about yourself.
Their answer is climate change is at fault... already got that from my sister... clock work
I own 2 gold claims up there.
Why aren't you up there digging?
Let's fix it then. Sounds like a decent enormous investment that you and I can agree on for a common good. I like where you're going with this.
You must know your audience.
Ern continues to spread wide for the indefensible. Useless government tax soaker.
Even his Fake News is getting fact-checked live these days on the lack of water.
Ern focused like a laser beam on the topic. (well as much as any lib can)
Pretty early in the morning for him to be so deep into his peppermint Schnapps- but who am I to judge.
Ev clone. Weak. Be better.
Educate your damn self Ern. I won't always be here to guide you
Step 1 - blame Trump
Step 2 - say we need more taxes
When they tell you not to politicize it
Exactly! You beat me to it.