So no more drinks allowed now? Dry January fore eva? Does Bobby Jr like a cocktail and can he save us ?
Reducing booze consumption is the one thing my doc is always telling me to do better. I continue to try to shave off drinks from the total consumption each week
Trying to keep up with all the experts will kill you faster than anything
Don't worry be happy
There's a distinct difference between "trying to keep up with all the experts" and searching for answers or better means
I agree
But I stand by my statement
My PCP is always telling me this is my low hanging fruit and I agree. It's just hard and a process.
I don't identify as an alcoholic, but I'm easily over 20 servings of alcohol per week as opposed to the 10 or fewer the "experts" want you stay under.
Typical, school night for me is 0 - 3 and Fridays and Saturdays are more like 4 to 6. It's not hard on beautiful summer day to whack down double shot marg or martini and then have 3 beers + a glass of wine for dinner. I'm never hammered and I don't feel super hungover, but it's still more consumption than is ideal.
I'm trying my best to shave off drinks and get more days in w/o booze. It's a huge performance hack for work and/or athletic endeavors.
Stress is killer, no doubt.
I should probably make it a new year's resolution to count the servings I have each day, just to get an actual true baseline. It's sooooo hard. Not drinking when golfing is basically impossible. Birdie? Shots all around! And yeah it's hard to get hammered when you weigh 200 and drink tons of water.
Usually manage to not drink on Mondays (hooray?) and sometimes Tuesdays. My weekly average has to be over 20 still.
Mrs Throbber v2.0 has indicated we will be celebrating dry January.
I believe she is talking about no drinking.
I've never enjoyed living more than when I was drinking.
I'm gonna try keeping spreadsheet. I feel that provide a little more focus.
If I could finally get to a stay of 10 or fewer per week, it would be a god damned miracle and big performance hack.
People forget that even hungover row peter puffers are capable of amazing cardiovascular feats of strength! I once got a Peloton PR at the Ritz Carlton Kapalua after like 14 pool beers and cocktails the day prior.
20 drinks a week seems like a lot. Not casting judgment at all, just not sure how anyone can fit that many in to the routine of work, kids, etc.
I generally keep it to 4 or less per week, with the occasional babysitter night out bumping the weekly total to maybe 6. Considering dropping entirely for two months to see if it nets me accelerated feats of strength gainz, bro.
For the record, my 4 will occasionally include half a bomber of 14% bourbon barreled beer, and if it's an IPA it's likely an 8% double.
Recently started going to the pFriem Pilsner. Tough to beat that as an easy drinking beer that has some actual flavor.
Not really when you think about it. 20 is like 2 beers on night on school nights and 5 on Friday and Saturday.
The various guidelines out there have been cap of 10 to 14 servings per week and that doesn't take into account sex, body weight and level of physical activity. In other words, me drinking 20 beers a week is a lot different than a sedentary 150 lb woman doing the same.
You can drink 3 Pfreim Pils for every one of your 14% beer snob beers.
Yes, but they don't rate as highly in my preferred style. I generally try to limit drinking in the evening because it messes with my quality of sleep. I can get away with two if it's light. 3 or more and I sleep like shit.
I've also read that alcohol fucks up your metabolism and fat burning for 1 - 2 days after consumption, so I try to keep it to twice a week to give my system some time off.
100% agree on sleep. I sleep so much better with no drinks.
Also, I notice the adverse affect way more with age. At 22 I could drink 4 IPAs and have no brain fog the next. No longer the case in my later 40s.
Since I spreadsheet my erging right now I decided to just add a column and do the same for drinking, starting yesterday. "Only" 2.5 glasses of wine at dinner. That's where the under 20 per week is hard. 4 beers during 4 hours of golf is low, before any 19th hole or weekend dinner drinks.
This is another attempt at killing the control group over vaccines.
I drink three bottles of wine Friday through Sunday
It's true that as you age the ability to drink like a fish goes away
I come from Viking stock and back in the day I could really put it away drinking with Odin in Valhalla
If you golf a lot, it's way hard to stay below 20 per week.
I mean shit, when @AtomicPiss and @chuck and brother of @chuck were slogging up the back 9 at Tetherow in 93 degree high desert heat, I went through 3 Pfreim Pilsners (high @BleachedAnusDawg ) like a boss. And then whacked down 2 Boneyard IPAs in the clubhouse with these guysm. And then I probably had a bourbon neat when I got home. Felt fine the next day other than not perfect sleep. It's easy to throw down a lot of drinks, while not necessarily being an alcoholic with impacts on work, family life, etc.