The dazzler feels that Thomas is the face of conservative corruption although he can't point to any Thomas decision that reflects a quid pro quo and all his trips were legal. On the other hand, having Hunter fly around on Air Force Two to collect money from the Ukraine and the chicoms with 10% to the big guy is perfectly normal and any evidence otherwise is Russian disinformation. No evidence of any money transfers to the dementia patient because there was no investigation. If only Thomas had bragged about a quid pro quo there would be evidence. Son of a bitch …
Need 67 votes in the Senate. Like with the non-dem Senate "investigation" of the chicoms funding the Clinton campaign, leftards aren't interested in dem corruption.
Ha ha ha. Millions spent by dark liberal money to try and derail Justices only to have the report released on a Friday night before Christmas. A day and time that all reports that are damaging to liberals get revealed. Yet here we have hh trying to impugn Justice Thomas even when the report failed to find anything illegal. hh is an incredible goose stepper to his liberal elites. How pathetic.
As we all know, the rat plan was to attempt to tarnish Conservative members of the SC, have Headboard win, grow the Senate majority and water down the court with a bunch of goose stepping morons like hh that would then do the bidding of the liberal elites. They want the court to rule over the country in a very progressive and far left way. They could care less about our Constitution, they want to control the country and make it in their image. Real 3rd world bullshit.
They failed on every front, hence the release of the report on a Friday night before Christmas. They found nothing. It was and is a total embarrassment to those that set it up as a scandalous report that would tarnish only Conservative judges.
Again hh proves he is a pathetic, weasel of a goose stepping moron.
The dazzler feels that Thomas is the face of conservative corruption although he can't point to any Thomas decision that reflects a quid pro quo and all his trips were legal. On the other hand, having Hunter fly around on Air Force Two to collect money from the Ukraine and the chicoms with 10% to the big guy is perfectly normal and any evidence otherwise is Russian disinformation. No evidence of any money transfers to the dementia patient because there was no investigation. If only Thomas had bragged about a quid pro quo there would be evidence. Son of a bitch …
Not too late to impeach Joe, girls.
Chop chop
Need 67 votes in the Senate. Like with the non-dem Senate "investigation" of the chicoms funding the Clinton campaign, leftards aren't interested in dem corruption.
Got all the votes you need to impeach, Gasbag.
Meanwhile, Clarence RVing with billionaire reactionaries, apparently.
Don't have the votes to convict. You leftards love show trials, as long as leftards aren't on trial.
Good thing I’m not voting for Clarence Thomas.
Doesn't Hhusky post the same obsessive Thomas "smear" articles every 3 months?
Yep. Hates conservative blacks. Voted for a leftard dementia patient and Headboard because of their great integrity.
That's Seattle Liberal 101.
Late stage alcoholism is not fun, H.
Dazzler has no friends let alone rich ones that would invite him to travel.
Clarence didn't mean to be corrupt; he was just too popular to avoid it.
Voice of experience
You don't care about corruption Alice
Ha ha ha. Millions spent by dark liberal money to try and derail Justices only to have the report released on a Friday night before Christmas. A day and time that all reports that are damaging to liberals get revealed. Yet here we have hh trying to impugn Justice Thomas even when the report failed to find anything illegal. hh is an incredible goose stepper to his liberal elites. How pathetic.
As we all know, the rat plan was to attempt to tarnish Conservative members of the SC, have Headboard win, grow the Senate majority and water down the court with a bunch of goose stepping morons like hh that would then do the bidding of the liberal elites. They want the court to rule over the country in a very progressive and far left way. They could care less about our Constitution, they want to control the country and make it in their image. Real 3rd world bullshit.
They failed on every front, hence the release of the report on a Friday night before Christmas. They found nothing. It was and is a total embarrassment to those that set it up as a scandalous report that would tarnish only Conservative judges.
Again hh proves he is a pathetic, weasel of a goose stepping moron.
Millions of our tax dollars laundered to lefty loon commie demonrats…