Again, raise the level of proof and then get it done. The illegal alien who lit the woman on fire in the subway should be tried, convicted, accelerated appeal and dead within six months. There is no question or doubt as to his guilt. Lot cheaper than a few decades in a jail and appeals with no substance paid for by the American taxpayer. Why is Major Hasan dead or Polly Klaas's killer? No question of doubt and they both have been on death row for years. It isn't a question of guilt, it's telling leftards to phuck off and get out of the way. If they don't like the death penalty, they can repeal it versus just ignoring the law that we are supposed to be a nation of.
Six months is even too long. There is no reason for it to take more than than a few weeks. Hell Lincoln's conspirators were all tried and executed within three months of his death.
Trial of the guy who torched this woman should take a day.
Anyone who’s convicted of any crime is supposedly guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. We’ve never devised a system with the death penalty that hasn’t resulted in killing innocent people. Life imprisonment isn’t such a treat that you should be worried that someone has gotten away with something.
And this is why there should never be any comprise made with leftists cunts on any issue. You're not interested in a system that would only execute guilty parties. You're opposed to the death penalty. Period, end of discussion. All of the bullshit about the cost or how it executes innocent people is just smoke to cover for the fact that you're pro-criminal.
Actually I was pro death penalty for much of my life and I don’t oppose it now for any reason except that we keep convicting innocent people no matter how hard we try not to. It’s amazing how being open to new information can alter one’s opinion. Wrongful execution is a mistake we can ever make anything approaching adequate amends for. Simple as that, really.
You can make capital punishment faster and cheaper. You will kill more innocents though.
Meanwhilethe left encourages and supports riots, burning cities, violently attacking police, murdering people etc. They won't prosecute criminals and they pay ANTIFA to start and participate in this riots. They've weaponry every federal law enforcement agency to target conservatives.
The "innocent" people executed is a fucking myth. There have been no "innocent" people executed in the past 50 years. And yes, I know all about your "innocent" guy who saved his car and allowed his own children to die in the fire he started. But we could easily account for cases like that, which are extremely rare, get on with offing the fuckers who are guilty as hell, beyond any reasonable doubt, like this asshole who just burnt this poor woman to death. But you happily make excuses for him and refuse to execute.
How is being against the death penalty being "pro-criminal?" That's a ridiculous assertion to make.
Can you explain how the death penalty is actually more of a punishment than making someone rot in a cell for the rest of their lives and have to endure the shit that goes on in prison?
But if you’re more horrified that Ridgeway is serving a life sentence than you are by a wrongful execution, then we see the world very differently.
You advocated for denying life-saving medical care to innocent people who didn’t want to get an experimental Covid Clot Shot, you fucking Zero. Also laughed at them losing their jobs.
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Again, raise the level of proof and then get it done. The illegal alien who lit the woman on fire in the subway should be tried, convicted, accelerated appeal and dead within six months. There is no question or doubt as to his guilt. Lot cheaper than a few decades in a jail and appeals with no substance paid for by the American taxpayer. Why is Major Hasan dead or Polly Klaas's killer? No question of doubt and they both have been on death row for years. It isn't a question of guilt, it's telling leftards to phuck off and get out of the way. If they don't like the death penalty, they can repeal it versus just ignoring the law that we are supposed to be a nation of.
No the endless appeals add to the cost you pay if you keep them alive
The cell costs what it costs
Cost is not a good argument against the death penalty
Jill Bidens signature isn't legal. She not the president.
Six months is even too long. There is no reason for it to take more than than a few weeks. Hell Lincoln's conspirators were all tried and executed within three months of his death.
Trial of the guy who torched this woman should take a day.
Ten minutes. Plenty of wits and video. She was dead on her feet burning like a candle. Horrible way to go.
Anyone who’s convicted of any crime is supposedly guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. We’ve never devised a system with the death penalty that hasn’t resulted in killing innocent people. Life imprisonment isn’t such a treat that you should be worried that someone has gotten away with something.
And this is why there should never be any comprise made with leftists cunts on any issue. You're not interested in a system that would only execute guilty parties. You're opposed to the death penalty. Period, end of discussion. All of the bullshit about the cost or how it executes innocent people is just smoke to cover for the fact that you're pro-criminal.
Actually I was pro death penalty for much of my life and I don’t oppose it now for any reason except that we keep convicting innocent people no matter how hard we try not to. It’s amazing how being open to new information can alter one’s opinion. Wrongful execution is a mistake we can ever make anything approaching adequate amends for. Simple as that, really.
You can make capital punishment faster and cheaper. You will kill more innocents though.
Meanwhilethe left encourages and supports riots, burning cities, violently attacking police, murdering people etc. They won't prosecute criminals and they pay ANTIFA to start and participate in this riots. They've weaponry every federal law enforcement agency to target conservatives.
The "innocent" people executed is a fucking myth. There have been no "innocent" people executed in the past 50 years. And yes, I know all about your "innocent" guy who saved his car and allowed his own children to die in the fire he started. But we could easily account for cases like that, which are extremely rare, get on with offing the fuckers who are guilty as hell, beyond any reasonable doubt, like this asshole who just burnt this poor woman to death. But you happily make excuses for him and refuse to execute.
Serial killers like Gary Ridgeway deserve the chair.
I’m surprised you would even dare to cite the Texas “murder by arson” case given the now near UNIVERSAL acknowledgment that THERE WAS NO ARSON.
The same cunt who doesn’t trust government or juries to get ANYTHING right thinks we haven’t ever executed an innocent man. There are no words.
Merry Christmas, dumbfuck.
But if you’re more horrified that Ridgeway is serving a life sentence than you are by a wrongful execution, then we see the world very differently.
I'm not.
Defend everything.
How is being against the death penalty being "pro-criminal?" That's a ridiculous assertion to make.
Can you explain how the death penalty is actually more of a punishment than making someone rot in a cell for the rest of their lives and have to endure the shit that goes on in prison?
But if you’re more horrified that Ridgeway is serving a life sentence than you are by a wrongful execution, then we see the world very differently.
You advocated for denying life-saving medical care to innocent people who didn’t want to get an experimental Covid Clot Shot, you fucking Zero. Also laughed at them losing their jobs.
Save the crocodile tears, you fool.
Cut out the middle man
They just want a better life and are committing the crimes Americans won’t commit.